Sunday, October 18, 2015


Clinton Made Student Loans Non-Discharable

The two major acts that the Clintons did perpetrate, which have set in motion our greatest crisis were (1) they repealed Glass-Steagall allowing banks to go nuts and return to proprietary trading of the 1920s at the direction of Robert Rubin of Goldman Sachs, and (2) they gave the banks absolute dominion over students by removing their right to declare bankruptcy on what they owe the bankers. No other class of debt has such an exception. And Hillary pretends to care about the people? Come on. She and Bill have done more for the bankers than any Republican ever did. Furthermore, ANY press that refuses to tell this truth is by no means FREE, but bought and paid for all the way.
It was the Clinton Administration that aided the bankers for on October 7, 1998, when President Clinton signed the Higher Education Amendments of 1998 (the 1998 HEA), which provided federal funding for education loans at a reduced rate of interest. However, Clinton sneaked in the 1998 HEA two specific changes regarding the collection of student loans that is a brewing part of the Sovereign Debt Crisis today for students cannot discharge student loans in bankruptcy and 65% cannot find a job in what they paid for. This has funded WORTHLESS education at outrageous prices creating a welfare system for academics to propagate stuff like global warming to screw us with even more taxes, and then bankers can lend money to students and turn them into economic slaves for life.
Marriage Rate
Too many students cannot find jobs that pay enough to fund student loans, so Hillary wants to double minimum wages rather than repeal what she did to start this mess. Many of the youth cannot get married and start a family because they typically cannot afford to by a home with huge student debt on the credit record. The marriage rate per 1000 has dropped from 8.2 in just 2000 to 6.8 in 2012. (Source: p70-125)
So what happens? Rentals are soaring as the next generation lost the ability to buy a home all because of the Clintons.
So let’s get this right since the media will NEVER question Hillary because she walks on water and the mainstream media is just equally bought and paid for else they would ask the question — WHY? And then there is Bernie who wants to raise taxes to subsidize even more worthless education. Even Trump is seriously wrong on his tax ideas. Nobody bothers to correlate anything and academics will never tell the truth for they benefit from this entire scam.
Show-MoneyWe are dangerously headed in the direction of a revolution because the media will not hold politicians to reality, bankers are just lining their pockets, and academics are on high maintenance welfare filling kids heads with worthless dreams. Meanwhile, 60% of the youth cannot get a job in what they paid huge bucks for and cannot buy a home with a debt burden that is crazy while 53% were unemployed in 2012. They are calling it the over-educated barista. We have a lost generation under socialism.
Society is just not sustainable moving in this direction. Unfortunately, those in the know are lining their pockets asking for more and more so they will NEVER change anything. This is what results in civil unrest for there is no democratic process to change it and the press surrendered their responsibility to protect society from corrupt government since they too ask – where’s my cut?

Commodities Still Contracting

BARRIC-Y 10-17-2015
Mitsui & Co Precious Metals Inc is closing down its NY and London operations as losses mount. In New York, their operation was rather small with about 30 people and their annual revenues was a little over $3 million. The company was formed only in 2005 and has not handled the bear market since 2011 very well.
At the low, traditionally we should see metals companies fold. This applies in both the brokerage community (market-makers) as well as miners. This is part of the cycle where they will collapse as we make the lows and reach over-expansion at the top. Like American Barric, the largest miner, now owes more than the company is worth. Its over-expansion using debt at the top is its recipe for disaster moving into the lows. Where gold HAS NOT elected any yearly bearish reversals, Barric has elected TWO.

The Dollar


A Special Report on the Dollar and the outlook for the world Monetary System is being prepared for the World Economic Conference for Attendees. We will be sending copies of materials out starting next week to those attending.

The Coming French Revolution of 2020?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Thank you for coming to Paris. You said the civil unrest would rise in France going into 2018 and there was a risk of another French Revolution in 2020. You mentioned that when surrounded by many people on the ChampsÉlysées. Since then  I have paid attention and there is a rising discussion about capitalism and socialism that is becoming regular. Can you explain more?
ANSWER: Each country has its own unique cycle. There was a very major turning point in France that nearly became a revolution. Even Charles de Gaulle secretly left France for a few hours after fearing for his life and a revolution. The civil unrest began with a series of student occupation protests against capitalism, consumerism, and traditional institutions that manifested in a cultural revolution. This deeply rooted clash between freedom and capitalism contrasted against the social state to suppress the rich and industry has infected French society.De_Gaulle-Charles

That year was a tremendously volatile period of civil unrest in France. May 1968 was highlighted by demonstrations and massive general strikes. Students, not the elderly, staged occupations of universities and factories across France. The uprising virtually brought the economy of France to a dramatic halt. The civil unrest had reached such a boiling point that political leaders feared civil war or revolution.
The social revolution of May 1968 had a profound impact upon French society and was the turning point that catapulted French May 68 Revolutionsocialism to the forefront in French politics. This shock wave has rippled through French society for decades ever since. Alain Geismar was one of the leaders of that time and characterized the uprising as “a social revolution, not as a political one.” (Erlanger, Steven. “May 1968 – a watershed in French life”. New York Times. August 31, 2012)
The French socialist state is now collapsing under Hollende. Civil unrest will erupt moving into 2017 and then there is the risk of another major cultural revolution as the youth do not share the same values as the socialistic elites who are in control. We will see that risk erupt by 2020 or 51.6 years from the May 1968 cultural revolution.

Why We Are Doomed To Repeat History?

Martin, Why do citizens of a country continually allow their government to destroy the nation without putting up a “real” fight? You have given many examples and no one ever seems to fight until things get really, really bad and it’s too late.
ANSWER: This is the sad state of affairs. People who do not believe we can forecast the future never look at the past. They are delusional to assume we have “free will” that somehow implies intelligence at a collective level. Some of us see the patterns that others will never see. The truth is the truth. The old saying that “a house divided will always fall” is very true. There are always two camps throughout history and they become the driving force between the rise and the fall of all civilizations, empires, nations and city-states.
Politicians become corrupt because we do not pay attention. We get mad only when it becomes intolerable. Then it reaches a boiling point and boom — revolution or war. It is rather disgusting that we cannot seem to escape this cycle for thousands of years.

Iranian Army Keeps Much Underground

The Middle East will clearly be the boiling point for this is a major Islamic confrontation between Shia and Sunni that is on par with the English Civil War between the Catholics and Protestants. When religion is involved, resolution is rarely achieved without bloodshed.


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