Sunday, July 5, 2015


The NOs Have A Resounding Victory

So far it looks like about 60%+ for the NOs. This is a truly astonishing victory and we can see that this is going to have a stunning impact upon Europe as a whole by the sheer magnitude of the percentage victory after more than half the people could not vote without returning to their place of birth like the Biblical Census that forced the return to Bethlehem. We should expect the markets will be a bit shocked for the press has been touting the Brussels’ view to oppress the people. Now begins the contagion over the next few months. This is starting to make the ECM turning point very interesting.
We will expand the seating in Berlin WEC. We strongly urge those looking to sign up do so ASAP.
IBEUUS-W 6-29-2015
The week of July 6th has been showing up as a Directional Change in the Euro for some time and even in Gold since early June. It is curious how the model picks things like this up. I suspect that it is the people who are responding to the trend rather than the fundamental making the target.

NO Vote Looks Like 55% in Greece

Our staff there in Athens right now is reporting that it appears the NO vote has the majority. This is a vote that demonstrates Brussels has been dead wrong with austerity for the last 5 years. This is likely to encourage a contagion. Brussels will most likely resist for this is now all about saving their power and self-interest. They have crushed the European economy all for the benefit of the bondholders. There has to be a new way forward for this same line of thinking cannot resolve the Euro Crisis.
It is not final as of yet. But this is the reading from our people on the ground in Athens. This is not the official poll which still says it is very close.

Rigging the Greek Elections

A lot of the younger Greek people who would vote NO cannot for to vote they must return for the day to vote in their home town. So many can not vote because they are lucky enough to be working or through necessity are living abroad and are not able to return to their homes. This is one regulation to prevent the NO vote from materializing.

There are numerous NO demonstrations all over Europe with Portugal getting the most press in Greece. This type of oppression of the democratic process is what creates civil unrest. You cannot win by rigging the game.

US v Brussels over Greece

QUESTIONMr, Armstrong,
It seems curious that the IMF would release a report ahead of the Greek Referendum that was over the objections of the European members. Something seems amiss. Do you have any insight on this issue?
ANSWER: The US has been demanding for quite some time, that the Eurozone assumes the debt of Greece just as Greece forgave the German debts they owed them in 1953 . Therefore, the IMF withdrew from the negotiations and released their report that Greece could not pay. For the US, it is clear that Greece must remain in the Eurozone since it plays a central role in the planning of NATO for geopolitical reasons. Lagarde was placed there by Obama. Never forget that.

The Dream of the Euro – Misinformed Politicians

Kohl Hermet
On April 23, 1998. Helmut Kohl addressed the Bundestag concerning the introducion of the euro. In a solemn and statesmanlike manner, the prosperity of the Germans as seen through the success of the Deutschmark, was to be transferred to the Euro. Helmut Kohl did not lie to the people. He was truly convinced that a single currency would be the way for Europe to rise and compete with the United States. He was just wrong. He began his address that day:
“I am convinced that the success story of the D-Mark in our country continues with a track record of the euro. The benefits that we have worked with the D-Mark and the Deutschmark – and rightly so – guess not lost. They are incorporated into a larger whole to Germany’s advantage and to the benefit of Europe. “
“The euro will strengthen the European Union as a guarantor of peace and freedom. From today’s decision – I do not mean the pathetic – it depends significantly on whether future generations in Germany and in Europe can live in peace and freedom in social stability and in prosperity. “
“The European Monetary Institute and the German Bundesbank have confirmed in their statements that the Commission’s proposals are politically acceptable stability. … I maintain that the conditions for a stable European currency has never been as good as today. “
“The introduction of the euro is in the best economic interest also and not least the Germans.”
“Europe has grown together in advance of the monetary union into a stable community.”
“The common European currency will strengthen Europe as an area of ​​economic prosperity and social stability as monetary.”

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