Saturday, September 5, 2015


Political Corruption Sanctioned by Mainstream Press?

The press is cleverly twisting the Hillary e-mail scandal to her benefit by narrowing their focus on what qualifies as “secret” instead of the fact that she conducted all national security business from her private e-mail server to avoid getting subpoenaed. There is no question whatsoever from a legal perspective that what Hillary did was outright criminal and conducting the business of the Secretary of State from a private server from which she then deleted 31,000 emails was at minimum obstruction of justice if not treason to the United States.
What Hillary did was far more direct treason than what Edward Snowden was accused of. Even Snowden has come out and stated bluntly that others go to jail for what Hillary did. How can Hillary claim privacy when she and the Obama Administration have supported the grabbing of every email by the NSA? Why has the press not demanded the NSA turnover all the emails Hillary erased when they have everything?
Where in mainstream media is our Woodward & Bernstein? Are we totally lacking anyone in the media with the guts to do what they were supposed to do? We seem to be looking at more than just the corruption of politics, it has infected the media and downgraded everything to a biased slant. The repeal of the Fairness Doctrine has steered the press into a political tool for propaganda.
How about the confidential e-mails concerning Hillary’s brother who got a unique gold mining contract from Haiti after Hillary approved billions from the State Department? The press is all over Trump, desperately trying to prevent him from running, while they remain silent on the internal corruption going on in the White House. How about Joe Biden’s son getting the contract from Ukraine? Sure the press has reported such individual stories, but there is nobody putting it together to challenge Hillary or demand her banishment as they did with Richard Nixon. Can you imagine what the press would have done if Nixon said screw you, I erased half the tapes because they were personal in my own judgment?
Even Barnie Frank, who oversaw the investigation into the collapse of real estate and Fannie Mae, was deeply involved in Fannie Mae and has placed the equivalent of his ex-wife Herb Moses high up in the agency. Frank and Moses back in 1992 told the Wall Street Journal that they took pains to avoid any conflicts of interest when Frank oversaw the agency run by his effective wife.
Outside of politics, a conflict of interest is broadly determined and includes one’s family. I could not accept payments from a company funneled to a family member and pretend I receive nothing. I advised on numerous takeovers and could not even have a stock account nor any family member. The real world does not work that way, but politicians exempt themselves from ethics applied to the rest of society.
Where is the press with ANY integrity? This is why people are rallying behind Trump because they also do not trust the press. The more the press focus on trying to stop Trump, the more the people support him. Trump is becoming a huge protest vote and may be the only way to shake up Washington and the Press.
The press’ total failure to report on these issues or family corruption not only disgraces the press, but it undermines their alleged position as a trustworthy independent check and balance. The Clinton Foundation also has their daughter involved. Stop reporting the individual issues and connect the dots.

My Bet is on Biden as the Democratic Candidate

There is no question that Obama supports Joe Biden, not Hillary. There is absolutely no possible way the FBI would be investigating Hillary and her server without approval of Obama. Then there is the dying wish of Biden’s son, which was released to the press that his father should run for president. Isn’t that highly personal if it did take place?
Joe Biden has now come out and said that he “would not hesitate” to run for president if he concludes that he can launch a “viable” campaign and that his family can make it through a presidential bid following the recent death of his son.
All of this is posturing for Hillary is not well liked behind the curtain. Biden will have to announce by October to begin to raise enough money. This will be very interesting to watch. My PERSONAL bet is that Biden will enter for there is too much posturing going on for him not to mess with Hillary. Socrates does not forecast individuals but the trend.

Language is the Key to an Empire

Bush is taking on Trump over his comment to uphold English as America’s primary language. “We’re a nation that speaks English. Whether we like it or not, that’s how people assimilate,” Trump declared at a New York press conference.
Trump CORRECTLY articulated the issue that speaking English is assimilation and the strength of the nation. Bush is DEAD WRONG on this issue. All one needs to do is travel to Europe. Ask an American what they are and they will respond something along the lines of, “Half Germen and half Irish.” In Europe, such a combination is extremely rare because they do not speak the same language. I could no more hire someone in the United States as a receptionist to answer the phone only in Japanese any more than I could hire someone in Japan who answered the phone in Spanish.

One of the traits that identified the decline and fall of Rome was the loss of a common language. As more and more people were being attracted to the Roman Empire as we see with the United States today, their failure to learn Latin contributed to the collapse of the Empire exactly as the Biblical story of the Tower of Babel. In the early days, immigrants learned Latin and entered as servants, house masters, and educators. After 180AD, the influx increased where the population of the city of Rome reached 1 million, something that would not be seen until London during the Victorian era. As immigration increased and jobs became more as common workers, the language began to divide taking on dialects mixed with their own language that then set the stage for the Latin based difference between Frankish (French), Anglo tribal variations (English), Spanish, Italian, Greek, and German. A common language enables greater communication and economic strength. Breakup that bond and you lose economic growth resulting in the precise outcome of the Tower of Babel.
Sorry, Bush is very wrong and Trump is correct. What made the Roman Empire last so long was the single language. As Julius Caesar said in war – “Divide and conquer.” If a nation diverts into regional languages, they will lose the bond that holds the nation together. Any empire with multiple languages split according to language. Hello! Look at Ukraine East (Russian) and West (Ukrainian).
Of course, the media takes Bush’s side without the slightest bit of question.

Brazilian Taxes 65% on Imports

The Solution 90 minute CD was shipped first class to me on 07/23/2015
The Brazilian tax authorities held onto it until  08/30/2015
I received a telegram from the Brazilian post post on the 09/03/2015 asking me to go the the post office and pick up the package
Total taxes  were 74.73 Reais
Even at today’s exchange rate of 3.8 this means 19.66 dollars on a 30$ CD
65% of government taxes………………….
kind regards

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