Fed Makes Same Mistake as it did in 1927
The Federal Reserve yielded to international pressure making the very same mistake that it made during 1927. Back then, there was a secret meeting and the Fed agreed to lower US rates to try to help Europe and thereby deflect capital inflows back to Europe. The exact opposite unfolded in the aftermath and even more money abandoned Europe and flowed directly into the US share market.
In 1927, the Fed lowered US rates to try to help Europe which was then in the middle of an economic debt crisis the same as today. It is very curious how history repeats and we have just witnessed the Fed yield to international pressure once again. In doing so, they are condemning US pension funds as well as the elderly to financial doom setting in motion the next financial crisis.
Chile Earthquake & Solar Storms
An 8.8 earthquake hit Chile after a magnetic storm. NASA reported: “Sunspot AR2415 is increasingly active on Sept. 17 and appears poised to produce a moderately strong M-class solar flare. Any eruptions today would be geoeffective because the sunspot is facing Earth.” There may be a link between major earthquakes and these geomagnetic storms.
A geomagnetic storm is indeed a very important and serious disturbance of Earth’s magnetosphere. They occur when there is a very efficient exchange of energy from the solar wind into the space environment surrounding Earth. We reported that there are some scientists now studying these links. These geomagnetic storms result from variations in the solar wind that produces major changes in currents, plasma, and fields in Earth’s magnetosphere. Consequently, the solar wind conditions that are effective for creating geomagnetic storms are sustained for several hours at a time and are periods of very high-speed solar wind. The southward directed solar wind magnetic field, which is opposite the direction of Earth’s field, at the daylight side of the magnetosphere. Therefore, this condition is very effective for the transfer of energy from the solar wind into Earth’s magnetosphere. When the sunspot in question is facing the Earth, it may create stress at specific points causing major quakes.
Do You Believe in God?
I was asked an interesting question: “Do you believe in God?” I think most people believe in some form of a higher being and the exact form will differ around the world. Whatever the religion, there is a common theme – do unto others as you would have them do to you. Even back in Ancient Egypt, they believed everyone would be accountable for their actions upon death. It is never what someone’s words may proclaim, the proof is only in their actions.
My response to this question was rather blunt: I do not believe that those in power could possibly believe in any form of God, for if they did, they would not try to play God by manipulating society and lying to us about every possible aspect of the economy and life. Socialism/Marxism outright violates the Ten Commandments for you are not supposed to covet thy neighbor’s goods. Yet government ignores that command, declaring that freedom is bad and that they have the right to take from others who have more than they do. Yet they will prosecute someone who robs another on the street for taking goods or cash from them simply because they have it. Police kill citizens without being charged; it is alright if the government orders you to do so. Those in power ALWAYS exempt themselves form religion and law, yet pretend they are just and righteous.
You DO NOT manipulate facts, lie to the people, and then pretend you believe in God. If you believe in God and any sense of a last judgment, you cannot advocate manipulating, stealing, and then lying to the public.
Government always uses religion to manipulate the masses. Even the USA threatened the Vatican to remove it from the SWIFT system like Iran unless they too reported to whom any wire came from or was going to. So religion to government has always been just a tool to manipulate the people. They cannot advocate nor actually believe in any God and then do what they do. You do not try to end democracy to retain power and then pretend you believe in a higher power.
One’s beliefs are demonstrated, not by what they say, but by their actions.
Japanese Debt Downgraded by S&P
The Japanese government’s economic revival strategy, which has been dubbed “Abenomics”, has proven to be a failure. We warned that the Sovereign Debt Crisis will begin in Europe, then hit Japan, and in the process will push the dollar to record highs which will inject deflation into the U.S. economy. Moreover, only a rising dollar will send the U.S. economy down, but it will also create massive currency losses for the some $9 trillion in emerging market debt denominated in dollars issued since 2007. This is an amount equal to about 50% of the total U.S. national debt.
S&P has now downgraded Japan to A+ stating that Abenomics “will not be able to reverse this deterioration in the next two to three years.” As the world turns down from this debt crisis, capital will concentrate in the USA, pushing the dollar higher. This will hurt more debtors than ever, but this is what will be necessary to dethrone the dollar from the status of being the reserve currency.
Do Political Systems Ever Work?
HI! I’ve Just recently become aware of your existence. Subsequently my knowledge beyond your blog and “the forecaster” is limited.
Someone one said “democracy is the worst system imaginable – except from All the others”
My question to you : have we ever in this world, really had any of the known political systems, fully functioning? Wold your pi model be able to work with out dysfunctionality?
Best Regards
ANSWER: No. Human nature causes all systems to ultimately fail. Once you start to tax and regulate, then come the bribes. The Medici installed popes because they wanted to control money flows. Kings installed bishops to control the people using religion. Napoleon confiscated the property of the church, as did Henry VIII, because they needed the money. Constantine became Christian for he could then rob all the Pagan temples.
No system has survived. Unfortunately, society allows it for as a whole we are complacent. Hillary is beside herself for she has been lying and stealing from the public for such a long time that she does not understand why people are mad.
This is part of the revolutionary cycle, which hits about once every 300-years. Thomas Jefferson saw it and believed the constitution should automatically expire every 19 years. It’s Just Time.
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