Sunday, September 13, 2015


Global Warming/alternately Climate Change Guide for Dummies

Can you go into more detail about the time frame for global cooling, and its ramifications, what to do to prepare oneself etc…
Obviously this is going to affect everyone, everywhere.
ANSWER: This downturn should be greater than the last one in the 1700s according to our models. Volatility rises so the swings in climate become much more dramatic with the turn of these cycles. It is similar to a stock market crash. Once it breaks, the volatility rises and market prices appears very choppy. So there will be a burst to the upside, followed by new lows on the downside. I am in Paris. Nowhere near as warn as the States. People are wearing jackets on the street. Northern Europe never really warmed up this year. When I was here in the Spring, I had to go buy sweaters for it was much colder than I expected.
These cycles in climate were originally discovered from ice core samples from the North Pole which revealed a 300 year cycle in climate defined as the energy output of the sun. When I saw the presentation presented by Harvard scientists back in the 1980s, I immediate saw their chart was close to the 309.6 year cycle in the ECM. The sun has been documented now that it is a thermodynamic system which beats like your heart. The cycle defines maximum and minimum over a 300 year period and explains migrations and the rise and fall of civilization.
The last downturn was pretty bad. They also seem to line up with the revolution cycle. It probably aggravates society and they move toward civil unrest. Some 2500 men died at Valley Forge from exposure during the winter encampment. Clearly, this is the cycle that has driven war by conquest and is linked stimulated by a change in climate that has marked a reduction in food supply.
Wheat 1650-1850
It will be this turn down in global cooling which will spark a rise in food prices on the horizon. The Global Warming/Climate Change crowd as always try to reduce all blame to a single factor. This type of thinking process has seriously retarded our evolutionary process. They are incapable of dynamic thinking and are incompetent insofar as just observing the world around them. They destroy our future in every possible way for their ignorance condemns us to repeat history in every field they use this primitive means of thinking – always reducing whatever the issue if to single cause and effect.
I am reviewing new research by another scientist who has linked changes in the magnetic field to earthquakes. They seem to pinpoint the area. We are running it through our system to see the correlations historically to verify the work. Very promising. The solar polar fields (SPF) data which flip with the sunspot activity in an 11 year cycle, as measured by the Wilcox Solar Observatory (WSO), has been studied and compared with the large magnitude earthquake record from the United States Geological Survey. The time period covers the 38 years (+13,600 days) that the WSO has collected the SPF data. This study reveals a dependence of M8.0+ seismic activity on the oscillations of the SPF. We are also starting to see an increase in earthquake activity with this cycle. Yellowstone has the worst quake in 34 year last June.
This 309.6 year ECM cycle was discovered from economics. But the sun cycle fits in. It appears that there is also waves of volcanic activity which also correlates. The explosion of Thera (Santorini) which was about the time of Moses and his confrontation with the Pharaoh, also market the collapse of the Minoan civilization and this is when the barbarian Greeks conquered Crete after the eruption and their economy was devastated, and then they took Troy. So the established empires fell, the barbarians were at the gates, and then Greece too collapses into a Dark Age. The Greeks became the dreaded “Sea People” who invaded Northern Africa. It now appears that the Philistines were of Greek Mycenaean origin.
So these downturns and volatility in climate the Global Warming fraudsters (who then changed it to Climate Change when it wasn’t getting warmer), attribute everything to man. Even today, the current level of volcano activity shows that globally, volcanoes on land and under the sea release a total of about 200 million tonnes of COannually. It’s a fact that Kilauea in Hawaii which erupts continuously has been releasing more than twice the amount of noxious sulfur dioxide gas (SO2) as the single dirtiest power plant on the U.S. mainland on a daily basis. So even if we shut down power plants and ride bicycles, you will by no means eliminate the claimed greenhouse gases.
When Mount St Helens erupted, President Ronald Reagan made this comment:
“I have flown twice over Mount St. Helens out on our West Coast. I’m not a scientist and I don’t know the figures, but I have a suspicion that that one little mountain has probably released more sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere of the world than has been released in the last ten years of automobile driving or things of that kind that people are so concerned about.”
President Ronald Reagan, 1980
Mount Saint Helens Eruption 1980
Reagan was right because automobiles principally emit carbon compounds, such as carbon monoxide, and nitrous oxides. Sulfur dioxide is not a problem with auto emissions. According to the US Geological Society untainted by the Global Warming/Climate Change Crowd, said:
“An estimated 1.5 million metric tons of sulfur dioxide gas was discharged by Mount St. Helens during the explosive eruption of 18 May 1980. Thus, approximately 2 million metric tons of sulfur dioxide was released during the whole eruption sequence.”
Consequently, there are two problems with the data. Even the EPA admits it cannot accurately attribute how much greenhouse gas is naturally created v man. If we add together the massive release of sulfur dioxide that occurred from Mount St. Helens when it erupted, along with the likely gas eruption before and after for five years on either side of the eruption, Reagan’s claim that he had “a suspicion that that one little mountain has probably released more sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere of the world than has been released in the last ten years of automobile driving” appears to be fairly close to accurate, and this was just his guess.
It appears that we would enter a White Earth Effect and die as a planet if the volcanic activity ceased. That is the source of warming up the planet again when the sun turns down. Sure, man may add to volatility, but we by no means possess the power to change the climate cycle. There is ABSOLUTELY ZERO proof the the long-term 300 years cycle has changed. People who believe this nonsense should not read this blog for you you must also be a deep-rooted Marxist and believe all the BS of governments. If you buy into that, you might as well buy into everything they say.  Only an idiot can possibly think we have the capacity to alter the universe or how it functions. We are incapable of even grasping all the variables at play.
If you have a basement, you can grow your own food without land and this may be the next hot trend.

The Resurrection of Marx – End of Britain?

corbyn Jeremy

Jeremy Corbyn, the infamous Karl Marx admirer, has been elected UK opposition Labour leader.  Corbyn is really communist who professes an admiration for Karl Marx. He is the new face of Britain’s opposition Labour party which will help to make a British EU exit more likely. The Marxist sophistry is rob anyone who has more. They never understand that we all provide our piece of the economy that creates the whole. Many are starting to realize that this could be the downturn for Britain.
Henry-PatrickThis is actually right on schedule for the other side of 2015.75 will be the battle of all time – Freedom v Authoritarianism. People like Corbyn will inspire violent and the overthrow of capitalism for what they think will be the betterment of man. They are idiots and dangerous ones at that for you cannot eradicate human nature. Yet they will try.
I am routinely asked why to I resistance so persistently? What I do I do for my family and their future. If it were just me alone, I am ready to depart this world for I do not wish to live in the world Corbyn and others like him want to create. They cannot see that they seek to enslave me for their benefit. I am free and that is the true meaning of what Patrick Henry said so eloquently – “Give me freedom, or give me Death!” Death to me is preferable to living in their world of subjugation. You do not appreciate what those word so profoundly mean until you are confronted with the true evil of Marxists.

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