Friday, August 1, 2014

VIDEO: Lapel Cam Reveals A Day In The Life Of A U.S. Police Officer (Tasing, Beating, Breaking & Entering, Stomping On Heads... and Laughing About It)

What is so revealing about this video is it shows how police live in a completely different world from the slaves they rule over. Their magic costumes place them in a parallel world where anyone's home can be broken into, warrants are irrelevant, tasers are to be used indiscriminately for any reason, slave's heads are made for stomping on, and beating your slaves while yelling "stop resisting" after they've explicitly surrendered is an act of self defense. After their reign of terror is over, the cops high five each other, exchange jokes, and have a hearty laugh. 

Meanwhile, what was the prerequisite for this rampage? The cops were looking to jail people over some dried plant the government hasn't granted their slaves permission to consume. 

Welcome to the land of the free.

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