Thursday, August 28, 2014


Ferguson – Missing the Point

ferguson-Aug-2014 Militarization
A few people have sent emails justifying the killing of Brown saying they will prove he was dangerous and on drugs. It really is irrelevant. Aside from the fact there is the little Commandment that says thou shalt not kill with no exception if you have a badge, the only justifiable reason to kill someone is in self-defense. Ferguson is a flash-point. Justifying the shooting is irrelevant. This is no longer a race riot, it is being seen worldwide as war waged by military troops pretending to be police and this crosses the line for that same level of force will be used against white protesters when the economy turns down. The goal is to be so harsh and cruel, like in Donetsk, anyone who disagrees better not show their face.
Ferguson is a flash-point in the cycle of war. It is becoming the government against the people. Police have been mandated to militarize under 1033. We have the police forces going simply nuts. In Florida, police bought 8 Apache Attack Helicopters for Brevard County. When you have every person armed walking around town, shit happens.
I was in Washington DC and one of these police was walking around at the train station with a bullet-proof vest and a machine-gun. He did not look to be as smart as an average teenager, just mean, nasty, and looking for a fight. The typical school-yard bully type. He gave the impression that if you spit-out hot coffee on you and jumped up suddenly, he would shoot first and ask questions later. There was nothing going on there that day. Just this one power-crazed guy. I have been in countries like that. It is never a safe feeling.
This is not whether Brown was a good guy or bad. This is a flash-point and it is moving beyond racism. This is something that is spreading once again into 2017-2018.

Cycle Inversion & Staging Ground for 2032

1-ECM 2032


Everything is setting up for 2032 and while the Economic Confidence Model is a global model, how individual markets are performing with it is a guide to the future. Gold rallied into 1979 rising from $100 to $400. Then the Phase Transition hit into 1980 taking it from $400 to $875. Interest rates peaked with the ECM in 1981 and gold bottomed in 1982, rallied into 1983 making everyone think the decline was over, and then it collapsed into 1985 for the start of this Private Wave.
We can see the inversion process relative to the ECM. Where in 1985 there was a low, with end up with a final low in 1999. Then look closely and we can see the high in 2011. This is setting that stage for what is coming in 2032.
In a basket of currencies the 1982 low in gold was the major one. The change in the currencies and the birth of the G5 in 1985 helped to compel gold into its final low for 1999. It was not an intentional manipulation for gold, it was a vain attempt to reduce the trade deficit. Currency will be critical going forward especially with the birth of electronic currency on the horizon.
We are publishing the gold report by next week. We have included gold in each currency with the reversal and timing arrays. That is in A$, C$, Euro, Swiss, Yen. and yes, Chinese Yuan. Currency will have a major impact going forward. A real BULL MARKET takes place ONLY when it rises in ALL currencies not just one.

Donetsk & the Prisoner Parade

The political manipulations in Ukraine are fascinating and cruel. We have seen a very shameful display of politics in Donetsk with the “parade” of prisoners which was intended to make Ukraine so angry they would want Donetsk to leave for no Ukrainian would want to live with such hatred. The aim is to stir up hatred towards Donetsk residents is a typical move of a region that is inferior and cannot win by sheer force.
The end goal is to separate Donetsk willingly. They want to inspire hatred for this will serve the goal of separation. This strategy is not uncommon in this region. However, inspiring such hatred creates long-term separation that never fades away and will last centuries. We have this between Israel and Palestine. It is really impossible to get long-term peace because there is underlying dislike of each other no matter what the enlightened ones may say.
The evidence that this parade is a political maneuver was the lack of support by the people. Among the audience there were only two or three hundred “people.” This poor showing for a city in which hundreds of thousands of people remain,.demonstrates the lack of support for the rebels within the population as a whole.
Our sources there are often without bread, water, or electricity. Anyone who would come out and protest what these rebels are doing would be shot, beaten and killed. Anyone who spoke out in public against separation was killed only after torture. Just what is so important about joining Russia is a mystery for the average person’s quality of life.
Yet the “parade” has served its purpose. It has some European leaders as Merkel starting to say just let the East go. From that perspective – it was a success.

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