Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Stand up to Dow and Syngenta in defense of America's bees.

Bees are in dire trouble -- Help NRDC save them!
Stand up to Dow and Syngenta in defense of America's bees.
Help save America's bees
The chemical giants want to expand the use of two pesticides that are highly toxic to bees. Tell the EPA to reject this reckless proposal and save America's bees.

We need your help to turn back a new and dire threat to bees -- and save these critically important pollinators.
Two multinational chemical companies, Dow Chemical and Syngenta, have asked the Environmental Protection Agency to allow them to ramp up the use of two pesticides that could have deadly consequences for bees.
The EPA is inviting the public to comment on this disastrous plan until May 27 -- which means we must mobilize immediately to stop the chemical giants in their tracks!
Honeybees, native bees and other pollinators are vital to maintaining our food supply. Fruits and vegetables like apples, blueberries, strawberries, carrots and broccoli as well as almonds and coffee all rely on pollination from bees.
But bee populations have plunged in recent years, and one big reason is the skyrocketing use of a new class of dangerous pesticides called neonicotinoids. The two pesticides in question -- thiamethoxam and sulfoxaflor -- are part of this group.
EPA has already said that both pesticides are “highly toxic” to bees.
But instead of blocking their expanded use, EPA is poised to rubberstamp the corporate requests without fully evaluating the harm these pesticides will do to bees. That's a plan only a chemical giant could love! Meanwhile bees will keep dying in alarming numbers.
Please take action now and help halt this outrageous proposal before it goes any further.
The EPA isn't likely to change course unless it feels massive pressure from hundreds of thousands of us who care deeply about the fate of America's bees.
Please do your part by sending an urgent message right now on behalf of America's bees. Their lives are depending on it.
Thank you for standing with me and NRDC for the sake of bee survival.
Frances Beinecke
Natural Resources Defense Council
The mission of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is to safeguard the Earth: its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends.
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