Monday, May 26, 2014


Having to suffer this 'holiday' one more time (in my youth and young adulthood it was just a three day vacation to go skydiving, or ride my motorcycle somewhere you couldn't get to comfortably on a two day weekend) in light of the destruction of the American culture and economic system by the treasonous criminals currently in power, I am revolted by the jingoistic propaganda that is spewed at us constantly both by government, by media, business, celebrities and anyone else who is trying to make a buck by using dishonest words about the nobility of those who have been stupid enough to be drafted into the armed forces, or worse yet, having volunteered, to murder other people for the state.

What honor is there in murdering others regardless of the dispute usually created by the megalomaniacal rulers of one state in their attempt to conquer the land and resources of some other state that stands in the way of the aggressors from controlling the world to their advantage and the disadvantage of all others.

Words like hero are bandied about far too casually. What is a real hero?
Not someone who saves their fellow murderer as they both destroy the lives and existence of others. Not even someone who does what anyone who is truly human would do to help another person or pet from danger in every day life is a hero. I don't think there really is a thing such as what we consider to be a hero. Heroes are made up by media and government to justify their criminal acts or to make news stories for profit. How many average people are labeled heroes by the media stenographers when they ask, 'how does it feel to be a hero?', and the person replies, 'I'm not a hero, I just did what had to be done.' Actions can be 'heroic' but that does not make someone a hero. It simply makes them more human.

The propagandistic terms used this 'holiday' avoid describing the truth about death. They tell us that soldiers 'gave their lives'. NO. They DIED by being murdered by those labeled 'the bad guys'.

The dead 'gave their lives'  or 'paid the ultimate sacrifice' is another way we avoid saying their lives were ended violently by munitions, swords, or being crushed to death by tanks, crumbling buildings and many other atrocious actions that occur when states send their men and women to murder those of another state.

There is no 'honor' in what these pawns of the state do and I prefer not to recognize them with any.

The young men that are returning from the recent state aggressions against Iraq and Afghanistan have been so damaged mentally they are truly dangerous to not only themselves, but to their family members and anyone else who might irritate them as they interact with the world after having experiencing the horror of their warrior activities. And on top of that, our government denies them any effective medical or psychological help by avoiding telling them they were just pawns of the state and 'collateral damage' to the state's interests in conquering the world for its own gain and the loss of its citizens (aka 'cash cows' aka taxable entities aka revenue sources).

The sycophantic habit of public persons telling soldiers, 'thank you for your service' particularly irritates me. What 'service' did they perform for us? They murdered innocent men, women and children, destroyed cultures and historically important areas of the world as pawns for megalomaniacs who don't care about anything but power and money and are the most worthless of any humans that have ever lived on this planet in all of history.

The excuse that we go to war to 'defend' ourselves from aggressors had never been true for the American public. The Twin Towers 'attack' was a false flag operation created and perpetrated by our own government to put enough fear into the public to sway their minds to give up their civil rights for 'security'. Nice how that has worked out. We now live in a brutal police state that starves people and puts them out of their homes with fraudulent financial practices and then gives the publics' tax money to the very criminals who constructed the fraudulent instruments that have stolen the wealth of the nation for a tiny few sociopathic people who have 'connections' and subsidize the governmental megalomaniacs who have the weapons to murder any dissenters.

This nation has always been a disgrace from its initial murder and subjugation of its original native inhabitants. It has stolen land from indigenous peoples to increase its size and continues to manipulate the land and resources of other areas of the world for its own benefit without regard to the effect it has on the environment or the lives of others.

And this is what we 'celebrate' by buying mattresses, cars and having barbecues, and getting drunk and/or stoned and then fighting with our neighbors or co-campers?

Have a wonderful day 'celebrating' folks. I'm going to do something that matters, like fixing things around the house.

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