Wednesday, December 4, 2013


China’s No-Fly Zone – Confronting Japan & USA

China Senkaku No Fly Zone
We have been asked about the recent expansion of China’s borders into the Sea just north of the Senkaku Islands. This is precisely on target for our Cycle of War model on China that was due to turn up in 2012 and has done so perfectly. We review this cycle in a Special Report on the Cycles of War that include both China and Russia.

German Hackers Arrested for Counterfeiting Bitcoins

Cycles of War

This is a special report that so many have been asking for as we head into this turning point in 2014. It is vital to understand this cycle and what it means for herein lies the fate of gold and the Dow Jones Industrials not to mention the Euro and European markets. This report covers the world including the cycles of war with respect to China and Russia in addition to the US, Japan, and Europe.
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WAR 2013

Global Market Watch Dec 4th

Gold – The Hedge Against Making Money

The bearish analysis in gold is building. This is good and very predictable. Gold has been the perfect hedge against making money. All the hate mail I have gotten since 2011 and the pretend analysis radio shows that only tout gold and refused to cover my views are revealing just how untrustworthy they have become. This is all about supporting a losing trade finding every excuse under the sun as to why they are really right. At the end of the day, gold will decline to new lows into 2014 for this move and they you will have convinced the majority of people you just sell gold and that is the guaranteed trade.
This is what we need. The rising tide of bearishness. I have said you have to shake the tree and get them out of there. Once that happens, then and only then can gold set itself up for a reversal of fortune.

Will Rates Still Go Higher?

Int Rate Headed Up
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong;
I am a young entrepreneur recently introduced to your work through my father. You have significantly influenced our views on gold and inflation.
My question is related to interest rates. Do you still believe the table is set for much higher rates in 2014 – 2015?
Thank you for your insights, Ben.
ANSWER: Rates will still move higher even if the government tries to go negative. People will not buy their debt and as confidence declines, the central banks will still lose control of short-term rates. They have always know they could “influence” long-term rates, but not control them. This is why the tried QE1-3 buying long-term tried to bring those rates down indirectly.
The timing may push-off into 2016. This would be part of a cycle inversion, which must take place going into the end of a 51.6 year wave. This will be where capital flees government paper and assets moving to private sector as confidence collapses.

Ukraine – The Police & Mafia

This is a Ukrainian video that is on the corruption of the police and how they are the new “mafia” in Ukraine. This is one of the issues that is fueling discontent. We have two people from Ukraine doing work for Armstrong Economics including translating our services into Russian (see Glossary Russian) so we also have people both from the West and directly inside Kiev.

Electronic Money & Taxes

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong,
I have a question concerning digital currency. How would transactions take place during times of internet, phone or power interruptions? Having a small business I see these things happen from time to time. People still usually have a little cash with them if not they are screwed. Would paper currency still be necessary?
Thanks for your time  Jim
ANSWER: You are being practical. Of course it is not necessary to eliminate cash. But you have Larry Summers articulating what they really want – eliminate cash so they really collect all taxes. They further justify their actions as eliminating the drug trade, Quite honestly, in the movie the Great Gatsby, his wealth came from selling booze in Pharmacy stores. I would suspect the illegal trade will move to some sort of store front with portable credit card readers.
This is all about getting what in their mind is their fair share of your labor. Those who think there would be a return to the Gold Standard are living a dream that would not work anyhow. There were major surges of inflation during the 19th century from simply discovering gold in California, Australia, Alaska, and Colorado. If a meteor hit the earth with large density of gold increasing the supply by 50%, or a volcano erupts and spits out gold as the deep mines in Queensland, such events would change the monetary system,
Whatever money is, to be successful, its supply must be within the control of mankind. This is one reason why commodity based money always collapses has been the lack of control. Money has always began with a utilitarian value such as cattle and wheat or bronze. Precious metals were desirable being attractive, but lacked a utilitarian value such as suitable for tools.
I have explained that there is a substantial difference in assets I attribute to two classes – movable and stationary. The stationary asset is typically things like real estate that cannot be moved. The precious metals emerged as a movable asset and that served well as money in international trade provided everyone agreed to accept it.
Nevertheless, money took on a different role when civilization clustered in groups. Once that took place, money no longer needed to be tangible in a barter type affair. Money became usable as representative of some value. Egypt thus emerges as a receipt based economy. Therefore, money in a group economy is equivalent to the share in a company. It is based upon the confidence in that company. Money need not be backed by anything other than the confidence in the people as a group. This German euros still have a greater degree of confidence than euros in Greece or Spain.
So electronic it will be. It is their last frontier in hoping to hold on to power and blaming the public for not paying taxes. They will never admit that they would still spend more than they collect regardless of the monetary system. That is why I say it is not the money that will create fiscal restraint, we have to eliminate career politicians. Only a real democracy will prevent this sort of economic crisis and even that will eventually be corrupted.

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