Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Volcker Rule Begins

Glass-Steagall Signing-Repeal
The banks lobbied hard against re-instituting Glass-Steagall arguing that this would be the end of Commercial and Investment Banking. Why Congress even bought that nonsense one need only pick up the rug and see the amount of donations that were made. Glass-Steagall went into effect is 1934 and was in place until 1999. The commercial banks and investment banks provided a far greater stability to the economy during that period. Ever since, they would rather play with other people’s money and speculate than lend money to small business and create jobs.
Instead of simply restoring Glass-Steagall, we now have the Volcker Rule that simply says the banks cannot engage in proprietary trading with deposit money. However, how is this going to be enforced when the banks own the FIVEagencies that oversee them? When there is a revolving door for government attorneys all looking for those millions jobs, real prosecution is hopeless. Who will actually prosecute a bank criminally when that will be the kiss-of-death for any hope of getting one of those big paying jobs in New York City? No law firm will hire someone who did that for that would jeopardize their ever getting business from the big banks.
The Volcker Rule can be circumvented. They already place money off-balance sheet into subsidiaries to escape reserve requirements. Moving money off-balance sheet is easy and they can then still use it in more clever ways. It would be nice if this ended the problems. But then this is why it is a “rule” that the agencies have to enforce. Good luck!

Federalizing Europe

Euro Symbol
The Euro-savior Wolfgang Schäuble and Jean-Claude Juncker could soon be the most important bank directors in Europe. They want a Superbank that has the last word over all of Europe and direct access to taxes if there is a crash. This is the very place they said the Euro would not go. It was why in designing the Euro they did not consolidate the debt because it would look like the Federalization of Europe. Well, we now have the Federalization still arriving and yet the debt is still fragmented. We have worst of both worlds.

Where is Global Warming When We Need It?

NASA has recorded the coldest temperature ever -135.4 degrees (-93 c) in Antarctica. You cannot even breath at that temperature. We have record snow falls and really cold weather and winter just started. Our first snow storm dumped more snow in a few hours than we had all last year. So much for Global Warming. Weather is becoming extremely volatile swinging like markets to both extremes.

Global Correlation Model

The Global Correlation Model is nearly finished. Hopefully, by the conference in Princeton we will have access up and running where questions can be presented to the computer concerning the global correlation of tens of thousands of data series gathered from around the world. This is far beyond any personal opinion that can be argued. The main computer model will not be set up in Switzerland but in another country that will not be disclosed.

NSA Just Off The Charts

The NSA has been spying on people who play war games on XBox under the theory perhaps some Islamic Terrorist might do so. The NSA has now been reported that actually nothing from any leaked files suggests that they have caught any terrorists. In fact, they have so may spy teams looking at everyone, one NSA analyst called for a “deconfliction group” to be set up because there was a risk that the agency may be spying on their own people. It would be easier to just withdraw from the Middle East and let everyone just fight it out and we will save American lives on the field and American privacy at home.

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