Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Obama’s Syria Speech Deflates Like Reality TV Breast Implants Attacked By Vampires


Sheldon Adelson Wants To Help Obama With This Whole Syria Vote Thing, Apparently: this gambler who is a total leech on society spent over $150 million in the last election, as a top AIPAC member.  This utterly warped many, many elections and now  he wants war with Syria at our expense.  So he told Obama, he would lobby the people he elected and twist arms so they vote for bombing Syria.  This, in a nutshell, is how very corrupt our political system now has become.  Meanwhile, our media and pundits are foaming at the mouth about Putin pulling off a coup on this pre-arranged war.  He has trumped everyone and it is quite funny, seeing the snarling rage over Putin’s solution.

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