Friday, September 20, 2013

Idiots or Frauds – You Decide

Since Lord Bernanke decided not to cut the “stimulus pumping” of 85 billion a month in funny money that he’s dumping into the economy, it stands to reason he’s either willingly defrauding the public or he’s completely incompetent.  Those are the only two choices, given what the Fed has been saying for the past several months.

I call him a Lord because he is accountable to no one.  No complete audit of the Fed’s activities has ever been conducted.  There is no congressional committee that oversees the Fed’s day to day operations.  It is allowed to hide its policy decisions and meeting minutes for absurd lengths of time.  It’s board is appointed by a cartel of private banks.  And at the end of the day, if Bernanke wanted to intentionally destroy the entire American nation state, it is within his ability to do so.  That’s the closest thing to a God on this planet that I can think of.  Even the President doesn’t have that kind of unrestrained and unaccountable power.
So we either have a fraudster in command of the entire US economy, or we have a completely incompetent buffoon. Either way, we’re fucked.

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