Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Seizure of 401Ks

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, In your latest post you stated “they will seize all pension funds and 401Ks to absorb the debt.” Should those with 401k’s be looking to pay the fees and cash out?
Thank you,
ANSWER: The behind-the-scene discussions on this issue are real. However, it does not appear that this seizure will emerge until 2016 or 2017. Indeed, we need a crisis for this to be ushered in. We will be publishing a special report on this subject since it is so vital to the future of everyone. For now, you are OK. The Syrian mess seems to have people lining up on Capital Hill when sources there say the phone calls coming in are overwhelmingly against any action. The politicians are ignoring the people entirely. This suggests there is indeed a secret agenda to achieve a goal outside the discussion box. That is most like the debt problem and a war is necessary to relief the pressure to curtail spending.

John Bolton v Lindsey Graham

There is absolutely less evidence to support an attack upon Syria than there was for Iraq. At least Iraq invaded another country. The former US Ambassador John Bolton came out and stated if he was a member of Congress he would vote NO. Meanwhile, the alleged closet homosexual who rumors on the Hill state he flies monthly for sex-junkets to Paris, Lindsey Graham, argues we should go in because we may signal to Iran we have no balls.
Lindsey himself doesn’t have to the balls to come out of the closet fearing he will get thrown out yet this is the guy who saw no problem voting to deny lawyers and trials to American citizens if the government assumes anything about you. He said on the floor, if you ask for a lawyer, they will say “shut up”. A nasty individual not worth even being called an American since he has betrayed innocent until proven guilty and Due Process based upon the Bible where God gave Cain the opportunity to be heard even though he already knew he had killed his brother. To Graham, there is nothing among our principles in America that is worth saving. What he has done to the American people is far worse than gas attacks on 1400 people. He violated the rights ofALL Americans and changed our very way of life. The people he advocates to risk their lives for the Constitution do not realize Lindsey denies the very principles people think they are defending. And John McCain, another loyal warmonger, will invade anyone who disagrees with him. Perhaps he was held as a prisoner of war too long and just want to get even with the world.
Donald Rumsfeld doesn’t support a military intervention in Syria. This is the guy who they say was at the heart of 911. Something is just not right. There are far too many people against this strike unlike that with Iraq.
There is only one issue here. These people need a diversion. We have the Debt Ceiling issue and Boehner cannot deliver the Republican Party to cut his back-room deals as usual. The best thing – kill thousands of people so he can force the conservatives to support the war and allow the debt ceiling to expand. Then there is the Fed. With a war, they will have to keep interest rates low and screw the pension funds as QE continues forever.
These people never think about the risks of the future. It is always what do I need to avoid this here and now. I will worry about the fallout later. Interest rates will have to rise sharply because these people have no desire to reform or fix the economy. Their solution – raise more taxes. Even John McCain voted to tax the internet sales of everything. Great Republican by the way. Lower taxes for friends only who pay for their campaigns.

Israeli military warn against U.S. attack: Thousands feared civilian deaths

The closest partner the US has in the region is Israel. Now even Israel has warned Obama that military action by the U.S. would result in thousands of civilian deaths. The Israeli military warned Obama that such a strike may leave behind thousands of civilian deaths.The French are presenting evidence of the guilt Assad, but even this is less than conclusive while the Russian also want to send people to talk to Congress in support of no action.Obama would be the first Nobel Peace Prize winner to start a war. What a legacy this man is going to leave behind from NSA to laying the seeds for WWIII. Just astonishing!!!

Boehner Sells Out The USA

Boehner John
John Boehner is a worthless Country-Club Republican. He is the worst of the worst and is selling out the nation, the world, and his party for a back-door deal. Boehner always tries to cut deals. He is all about compromise. The problem is he isSTUPID. He was consulted before as a pretense for getting Congress’ approval. The polls were turning negative on Obama so his own people warned him he needed Congressional support – a full vote.
Speaker Pelosi Holds Weekly News ConferenceMeeting with Pelosi and Boehner is not allowing a Democratic process. Pelosi took a vacation in Hawaii and stayed in suites at $25,000 a night. If we did not have these types ofPROFESSIONAL LIFTETIMEpoliticians, we would not have that kind of waste. This is why there should be the real PEOPLE there to vote on this as is the case in Switzerland. The bureaucrats wanted to end secrecy, and the legislature, which is part-time, came in to vote and overruled the bureaucrats. Part-time politicians as the Founding Fathers intended with 2-year terms, secured the rights of the people against bureaucrats. Once politicians became PAID and lifetime leaches that attached themselves to the body of the people, there has been no getting rid of them. Without real checks and balances, we simply will crash and burn. We do not need pretended “representatives” of the people who are lifetime bureaucrats who can be bought. These people are dangerous – morons, and will arm the very terrorists they claim to be after. Those who will lose their children and all the civilians who will die as collateral damage, remember Boehner who sold out the nation for a handful of silver.
What happens if Russia helps Syria test its missiles to sink our ship. They get live practice to test their weapons and can say it was not Russia – it was Syria who fired their weapons they supplied. This will be a free target practice opportunity. Would we pass up such a chance?
Syria is the ONLY port for Russia in the West. If Russia decided to attack Saudi Arabia because it does not believe in Royalty, what would we do when it is a major military port? We consider nothing. Act unilaterally. When France is the ONLY nation supporting this when it is loaded to the gills with people from that region, you know there is something wrong since France rarely supports a US action.

Pension Crisis Fueled by Manipulation of Interest Rates by Central Banks

The pension crisis is beginning to emerge as a real growing problem. The central banks have been keeping interest rates low for the primary reason of reducing the national debts. In Germany, they are beginning to notice that not merely are government pensions growing faster than private as public servants help themselves to our income by threat of criminal prosecution for failure to pay whatever taxes they demand, but in Germany the pension funds in the private sector are headed into massive insolvency. Even the press is now reporting that private pensions cannot meet obligations because of the Euro Crisis where interest rates are kept artificially low to help Southern Europemeet obligations.
This is also why the Fed must end the tapering. They know if interest rates are not allowed to rise, the pension crisis will explode next. This is not about bailing out the banks or even the economy and jobs. The next great crisis is Pensions and Sovereign Debt and historically, the solution that government ALWAYSadopts is none other than forced loans.
The Italians and French were especially good at that. Here is the Venetian Debt. You see the same Phase Transition toward the end. Venice collapse in a pool of debt, unable to fend off the French for it lost its credit-standing and there were no more assets to be seized as forced loans. When the loans stopped, Venice collapsed into historic oblivion.
Venice was an empire that lasted for 1,000 years. Nobody has ever survived such a debt crisis that ends historically with forced loans and the the final collapse. Argentina seized all pension funds in its country. In Brazil, they had seized money in banks dividing it by 10. Government always, and without exception, seize the assets of the people to support itself. Government is incapable of looking in the mirror and observing anything it does wrong. The problem is always the people and if government could control everything then they will have their version of utopia.
The US government is looking at seizing $17 trillion in pension funds and stuff the National Debt in there $15 trillion and then they no longer need China. Oh,the best laid schemes of mice and men / Often go awry. Pensions have always failed.

The Coming Forced Loans

In Germany the people are starting to notice that government pensions are growing far more rapidly than those in the private sector. We have to realize that about 50% of all taxes in Detroit went to pensions. This same economic model destroyed Rome. This is what we face, yet we cannot prevent the crash and burn. Our own taxes will rise dramatically for even the Republicans will go along with that to save their own power. The next bailout will be the US government. They will seize all pension funds and 401Ks to absorb the debt. They are realizing that as the war cycle turns up, less and less foreigners will buy US debt. Hence, the crisis will be when NO BID emerges in the sovereign debt markets after 2015.75. The solution – forced loans.
We will be presenting this in a very important special report.

Russian Communists Warning Russia Will Be Next After Syria

The old Russian Communists are telling the Russian press that the US will attack Russia after Syria. The Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Mr. Gennady Zyuganov, tells the Russian press that Russia still needs to help Syria because; “We have to constantly realize that we will be next after Syria,”  The war drums are beating and the cold war is returning. Obama leaves for Russia this week. If there was ever a President who is so out of touch with reality, Obama seems to be it. Even George Bush Jr his handlers seem to smell the political winds. The Obama Administration is the worse ever in grasping the economy or the geopolitical winds.

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