Friday, July 5, 2013

Eleven revolutionary ways to celebrate your independence from the system on this July 4th

For this July 4th -- Independence Day -- you're going to see a lot of articles reminding us about the real history of Independence Day and how America fought for freedom against a tyrannical empire. Those articles are valuable and useful, but this year, I've decided to take a different approach: Let's celebrate all the ways you can achieve independence right NOW, today, in 2013.

So I've listed eleven ways to move yourself toward independence, which also happens to mean self-sustainability, self-reliance and self-worth. You may not be able to achieve full independence for each of these, but you can always increase your degree of independence so that you rely less and less on the system. This makes you a stronger, more resourceful and even a more dignified individual while honoring those same qualities in America's founding fathers.

So here are the eleven along with advice on how to achieve each of them:

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