Friday, July 5, 2013

DAN NORCINI: Gold Undercut by Jobs Number

Friday, July 5, 2013

Gold Undercut by Jobs Number

Never mind the growing number of part time jobs, nor the rise in the unemployment rate, all the market looked at was the headline number of 195,000 jobs created compared to expectations of 165,000 and it was pretty much baked-into-the-cake that the tapering was going to begin in September of this year. 

That pulled the rug out from under both gold and the bond market as those markets plunged. Rising interest rates in what most investors believe is a NON-INFLATIONARY environment is serving to lure short sellers into gold and forcing an exodus among recent bottom pickers and even some long-time bulls.

As stated many times recently, gold is in a intermediate term bear market and as such, rallies are going to be sold by speculative forces until such time as the technical chart pattern changes.

I wish to remind readers of this site not to be sucked into taking aggressive long positions in anything gold right now unless you have deep pockets and can absorb further losses while you wait for the deflation/inflation psychology to shift. Trying to buy into a market like this right now is attempting to catch a falling knife - you are going to end up getting hurt.

One of the most important thing to learn if you are trading futures is that LEVERAGE can destroy you. Far too many of these self-appointed experts in gold, whether they be "analysts" recommending long positions based on their improper reading of that Commitment of Traders reports, or those who have gold to sell, simply do not recognize that the chart pattern in gold has shifted on an intermediate and shorter term time basis. When they glibly recommend long positions in gold, they are setting you up to get hurt badly when the trend reasserts itself as it is currently doing today.

If you are trading on the shortest of time frames (day trading) that is one thing as there will always be short term tradable bottoms as well as tops. However, to take a position in the gold futures market without a technical chart confirmation that the trend is changed is the same as having a financial death wish. Remember that....

Currently gold is holding above psychological chart support at the $1200 level which is near the cost of production. That level needs to hold or it will revisit the recent low near $1180. I have noted the extremely high volume day with ellipses. That area should attract buying if the bottom is actually in. We will see what happens. 

The mining shares are also falling lower today which is serving to bring additional sellers into the Comex. Through in the fact that the US DOllar is absolutely SOARING and proving to be the King of the Hill among currencies, gold has its work cut out for it if it is going to start any sort of sustainable rally to the upside.

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