Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The same IRS that targeted conservative groups for punitive audits will be demanding your private health insurance records in January


Countdown to January, 2014

Beginning January, 2014, the IRS will become the enforcement arm of Obamacare. Part of this enforcement will include demanding private health insurance status information and ID numbers from all Americans. Anyone who refuses to provide this information will be financially penalized (i.e. "fined") an amount that increases each year until it reaches a penalty of $2,085 per family or 2.5% of your income, whichever is greater.

How much will it cost you to acquire this Obama-mandated health insurance, exactly? According to cost estimates from 17 of the nation's largest insurance companies, health insurance premiums are set to skyrocket 100% to 400% under Obamacare.

Have you ever thought about the enormous evil that could be accomplished by the IRS building a database of all Americans' health insurance records? This information could be covertly used by the government to do things like identify everyone taking antidepressant drugs then have them all declared mentally unstable and therefore unqualified to own firearms (as an example).

Once the IRS has your health insurance ID information -- which you are required to provide this coming January -- it could use that data to discover if you're seeing an infertility doctor, being treated for cancer, taking antipsychotic drugs, seeking medical treatment for substance abuse, were beaten or molested by a family member, were the victim of a rape assault or any other detail in your medical records. Is this the kind of information you trust the IRS to have on you?

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/040317_IRS_audits_Obamacare_insurance_mandate.html#ixzz2TI7u9EQh

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