Thursday, May 9, 2013


Politicians are Insane – But it Takes all their Time to Perfect That

Arias Jodi
We get what we deserve. To hire a person, there is an interview. What are your qualifications for the job. When it comes to dictating our lives, we elect people based upon false promises, promotions by a bought press, and do they smile nicely. Look at Jodi Arias. Looks sweet, like the girl next door. Looks are deceiving and we put people in office because of primarily that. Amazing!! Politicians are insane – we just do not appreciate how hard they work at that to perfect that state of mind.
  • “Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build bridges even when there are no rivers.”
Nikita Khrushchev

California & Criminalizing Avoiding Obamacare

A Reader in California writes:
This today from our local Orange County Register under the Op Ed section:  “Taxing What Obamacare Makes Inevitable”  by Troy Senik.  California businesses would be penalized for cutting worker hours to dodge insurance mandate.  
Democratic Assemblyman Jimmy Gomez of Los Angeles has proposed legislation–which has passed both the Assembly Rules Committee and the Assembly Health Committee–that would Punish any employers who respond logically to the perverse incentives of Obamacare.
The bill makes it “unlawful for a large employer to, among other things..reduce an employee’s hours of work..if the purpose is to avoid the imposition of the penalty. A violation of those provisions would result in a penalty of 200 percent of the penalty amount the employer would have paid for the applicable period of time.”
The criminalization of INTENT now at the state level Marty.  All the dominoes are lining up as you say.  California’s legislature is among the MOST brain-dead of any. These people have absolutely NO clue what they’re doing. They fail to understand business and basic human psychology!  I pray this most recent proposal will go down in flames. Otherwise we will lose even more business here in the “golden” state!

All Governments Are Hunting Down Citizens – Now Canada

Ontario asks federal government for help catching tax cheats. It never dawns on these people that we are not economic slaves. They reward themselves pensions nobody in the private sector can get just as Congress is excepting itself from Obamacare. They then hunt people down to rob them for their benefit and have the audacity to claim this is for the social benefit of everyone that they live fat and happy. It never ends.

Gold – Answering Your Questions

SP1987-D Dau of the High
QUESTION: “Let me start by thanking you for all your work which gives me a better insight in how all things are interconnected. I have a question about Gold, as an attendee of the Princeton Conference I received the Gold report. Gold recently broke trough 3 monthly bearish reversals and is now making her way up again. As you told us: when a reversal is elected but substantially below the number (as it did) the market will not follow through but will move back to retest before resuming the indicated trend. The report states that 1469,7 is a technical support which today is broken does this mean gold will continue to move up until it reaches the 1532.5 reversal before resuming the indicated trend.”
ANSWER: Under normal conditions you will move back to retest the reversal that was elected. This is the one exception when there is a serious crash that does break the backbone of support. In the case of the 1987 Crash, it took 5 months to close simply back above the high of the day of the break. Yet there was no double bottom retest and that was the clue that new highs were on the horizon with the top of the ECM in 1989.95.
In the case of gold, that high was 1495 on April 15th, the day before the low. There is no gap as there was for the 1987 Crash. Nonetheless, on May 3rd, June gold reached 1487.2. There is still a chance we will retest the old reversals. However, a daily closing on June below 1385 will signal that a break to new lows is likely. Gold has been crawling sideways between 1439 and 1487. The fact there was no bounce within 3 days back above 1495 warned this break must be taken seriously.
In the Metals Report going out next week, here is an excerpt that is rather important to understand.
“To accomplish a Phase Transition in equities tends to require capital to concentrate in a single sector and region. Hence, we see the bubble in 1929 following World War I in the United States and the Japanese bubble in 1989. Both took place with positive capital inflows. Gold does NOT require this type of capital movement. Instead, gold requires more of a shift in confidence than net capital inflows. Gold is also a worldwide market that does not require capital to concentrate with a particular region or nation.”

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