Saturday, May 4, 2013


Model Forecasts – We are Getting There

The computer models will be accessible very soon in time for the craziness this fall. This is an example of a brief table showing turning points, directional changes, panic cycles, and pattern recognition. You can see the computer was looking for a decline (D) in 2013 for gold with a reversal in trend in 2014 moving back up (U).
Of course the gold supporters who hate my guts as always whenever gold declines will love me when it turns back up. They seem to think if you close your eyes, do not look at your statements, then there is no loss. I suppose they believe that if a tree falls in the forest there is obviously no sound if nobody was there to hear it.

Socialism & Islamic Radicalism Are The Same Theory

Iran Revolution
The whole idea of “socialism” is based upon the same theory that led to the overthrow of the Shah and the birth of Islamic Radicalism in 1979. What is the connection? Both hold that the private sector cannot be trusted and that the state should manage the economy. In Iran, it became the religious clerics that should lead the government to create social justice confiscating the assets of the rich and nationalizing all resources.
In the West, government also maintains it should control the economy, intervene, manipulate, and lie to the public to eliminate the Business Cycle for the good of the people.  They advocate the same theory of confiscating the assets of the rich under the pretense of taxation and are now hunting down everyone they can while making it a virtual crime for others not to spy on their citizens and report what they have outside their economy.
Both forms of government are fascist in nature much like Hitler who tried to pretend you still own your property unlike Communism, but the state will tell you what to do with it. Both Islamic Radicalism and Socialism distrust the free markets and both were determined to seek “social justice” by the state taking control of the economy.
The collapse of Socialism in the West will take unfortunately until 2061 to fully complete while its destruction will be 90% complete by 2032. Even with the fall of Paganism and the rise of Christianity under Constantine I The Great, his sole reign began in 324AD with the fall of Licinius I (308-324AD). It was precisely 37 years later when Julian II the Apostate (361-364AD) attempted to restore Paganism cyclically right on schedule.
The peak in Marxism took place in 1989 when Communism began to fall. This was phase I. and that then led to the start of phase II,  17.2 years later beginning in 2007 – yes the extreme on bailing out New York. The crisis in 2008 was also 31.4 years from the start of the Islamic Revolution. Everything always links together.
The Iranian Islamic Revolution began in 1977 with the first protests coming in with the bottom of the Economic Confidence Model 1977.05 at that time. By the top of that model, the Revolution was complete starting in 1979. It took 2.15 years. So change does come faster than most suspect.  The first setback came 17.2 years later with the Iran and Libya Sanctions Act of 1996. The first major crisis in this movement will come in 2016 where we may see a major political crisis involving Iran.
So 2016 is also shaping up to be geopolitical as the war cycle turns up in 2014. Everything is a set of dominoes. One leads to the next with nothing ever as a singleton. Each becomes a cause that creates the next reaction. In this manner, history becomes the guide to the future for indeed Machiavelli was correct – history repeats because the passions of man never change. It matters not the form of government. They all act the same way – they only are interested in furthering their own survival. They are entities and will act like a cornered animal always and without exception.
Thrasymachus Quote

Why We Moved to Switzerland

We firmly believe in privacy and liberty. Ideas even like Bitcoin count on the simple fact that there is some RULE OF LAW that will be respected. There is none. As the Sovereign Debt Crisis unfolds, they are really hunting down everything they can possibly get their hands on. Canada is now taking the position that transactions on Bitcoin are taxable. No matter what you do to comply with the LAW, if they think there is some spare change to get their hands on, forget the LAW. They didn’t mean it.
The USA is not alone in surpassing even Hitler’s pursuit for money by outlawing German citizens having any bank account outside the Germany. Well, Germany is also taking that position and you would think the Nazi’s have returned. This time instead of targeting the Jews who controlled the banks and shops to seize their money, this time it is everyone regardless of race, creed, or where you live.
Venetian-MouthOfTruth - Copy
The German parliament just passed with blinding speed a new law where the federal police can simply demand from any internet provider the name, address, passwords, and PIN codes of their clients as well as internet protocol addresses. There is no RULE OF LAW. You do not have to do anything. This is back to the days of Venice and its Mouth of TruthSuspicion is enough even from anonymous sources.
Leroy Neeman Fox Hunt
It is not just the USA but the EU and Britain are all hunting their own citizens. We moved our site, server, and models all to Switzerland to provide security for our clients worldwide. All these governments in the West are joining the fox hunt for every scrap of wealth they can confiscate to pay the bankers. There is no concept of where this leads. They are rapidly destroying everything that made us a free society and life worth living. Itestified before Congress in 1996 explaining that it was the RULE OF LAWthat made commerce and civilization viable. Lady Margaret Thatcher also saw that the British Empire succeeded BECAUSE it spread the RULE OF LAW and thereby civilized the world and that fostered her rise to the Financial Capital of the World. It was the RULE OF LAW that enabled the Roman Empire to expand extending citizenship to the nations it conquered. This is the most important cornerstone that they are destroying. Attacking that is the straw that breaks the back of every empire. You own your house – ONLY because there is a RULE OF LAW. Eliminate that, and you own nothing!!! Property ownership becomes mere possession.
Why do you think after Salomon Brothers got caught manipulating the US Treasury auctions, Robert Rubin set out to takeover government and put the regulators in the back pocket of the NY Investment Banks? The entire scheme was to ELIMINATE the RULE OF LAW including Glass-Steagall, so they could manipulate markets and make money and in the process caused the national debts to soar with their bailouts, and set in motion the destruction of the entire financial system. The NY Investment banks were the key to the destruction of everything. There is no appetite on Capitol Hill to prosecute these guys BECAUSE they count on them for funding. Without term limits and eliminating private donation for political elections, there will be no hope of a soft landing. There is an old saying that reflects the corruption of New York and why your future came to an end:
He who controls the gold makes the rules
Edward Gibbon wrote of the Emperor Commodus (180-192AD) who also was desperate for money in his 1776 Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Commodus made many technical laws and each established a
distinction of every kind soon became criminal. The possession of wealth stimulated the diligence of the informers; rigid virtue implied a tacit censure of the irregularities of Commodus; important services implied a dangerous superiority of merit; and the friendship of the father always insured the aversion of the son. Suspicion was equivalent to proof; trial to condemnation. The execution of a considerable senator was attended with the death of all who might lament or revenge his fate; and when Commodus had once tasted human blood, he became incapable of pity or remorse
(Book 1, Chapter 4).

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