Monday, May 13, 2013

JIM SINCLAIR: Free Gold – The End Game Now In Process

Dear CIGAs,
As the premium on physical gold remains above the cash spot futures contract including shipping and insurance to destination, the demise of paper gold is certain. The emancipation of physical gold from fraudulent paper gold is in process right now.
Emancipating physical gold is freeing gold. Free gold is the final product of this transition. Forget argumentation as the phoneme in process has its foundation in granite. This process is taking place in the world markets, today, right now!
It is an undeniable fact and shock to the paper trader as they manipulated the paper price of gold sharply lower kick starting this major monetary shift. These paper traders have initiated the transition to Free Gold. The paper gold traders have fashioned their own economic demise. For the COMEX that is what would be expected.
I do not hold too many of the tangential and political thoughts of Free Gold. Those are products of its new adherents. As a movement gains followers they usually destroy the truth, the teacher, or both.

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