Wednesday, May 8, 2013

JIM SINCLAIR: Emancipation Of Physical Gold From Paper Gold Is At Hand

The emancipation of physical gold from paper gold is at hand.
What the gold Banks have done is so stupid that it might not be stupid. The hammer of the gold banks in showing us all that they are the boss they have executed themselves in the form of waking the sleeping elephant of physical gold demand by holding a special sale on the metal.
The School of Free Gold is on the doorstep of their long sought end game. Free gold has various applications of their thesis but if you do not let applications detract from the main thesis of the emancipation of physical gold from fraudulent paper gold, they are right. Actually more correct than any other approach. Even they do not see their predictions have come true today as what above ground gold not already hoarded is heading for hoarding.
Cyprus was the key that opened the door to the end.
Hold your gold. You are approaching an event that is going to blow you away. Gold is going way over the modest price of $3500 and paper gold will be emasculated in that it no longer will be a factor in price discovery.
The knuckle draggers at the COMEX who are the gold banks have more than shot themselves in the foot with their gold sale. They have taken a direct hit in the head.

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