Monday, October 28, 2019

We must act now to save Julian Assange and the Rule of Law

If you value civil liberty, go to my website

click “contact,” 
put “petition to save Julian Assange” in the “your subject” line, and in your message, copy and paste the petition below.

If we cannot save Julian Assange, we cannot save ourselves. 

To her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II
To the House of Lords
To the House of Commons

We the undersigned respectfully call on the appropriate authorities of the United Kingdom to immediately release Julian Assange, citizen of Australia and Ecuador, from Belmarsh prison where he is being unjustly and cruelly incarcerated.

Julian Assange is not charged with any crime or even misdemeanor in Britain, and has fully served his sentence for his single offense: jumping bail to avoid extradition to the United States via Sweden. 

He was not and is not charged for any crime in Sweden.  The sole charges against him originate in the United States, on purely political grounds, aimed at punishing Julian Assange for publication of accurate information provided by informed sources.  This is a regular practice of all mainstream media, which now shamefully fail to speak out in defense of Mr. Assange, even when they published exactly the same information that he did.

It is quite clear that in their current treatment of Julian Assange, the United Kingdom is debasing itself as a mere instrument of political repression exercised by the United States. Our confidence in the judicial system and in the media is very seriously shaken.

Your Majesty, Members of Parliament,

The current imprisonment of Julian Assange is a blot on the nation’s judicial system, a disgrace to British decency.  This scandal may be largely hidden today but will surely emerge in history unless measures are taken immediately by the highest representatives of the British people to correct this major injustice.

We appeal to your sense of justice and of national honor to uphold the best traditions of British democracy and respect for human rights by immediately freeing Julian Assange.


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