Monday, October 21, 2019

First Thing, Let’s Fire All the Cops

RoatanBill says:
We live under a kakistocracy. The entire gov’t system is conceived by and run by the worst in the society, including the average cop who is willing to enforce nonsense laws designed to extract money from the population to pay his salary. Cops operate under the ‘I was just following orders’ mentality that is the defining characteristic of an amoral swine.
If one seriously considers the character of the average cop, one would conclude that he/she is an otherwise unemployable thug that has found his/her calling. These are not people with any marketable skills other than bashing heads in for the gov’t. These are welfare recipients that wear a costume and carry a weapon to protect the overlords in gov’t being paid for by the taxes extorted from the population under the threat of violence.
As numerous court cases have affirmed, the police have NO duty to protect the citizenry. Cops are there to intimidate and harass to keep the little people in line. They do not fight crime. They show up after the fact to draw a chalk outline around the body. Get rid of those useless eaters.
Every adult citizen should be armed with their weapon of choice and a defacto hunting license for all the human trash that the legal system fosters.

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