Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Yanukovych is Dead?

The latest rumor circulating in Ukraine is that Yanukovych is dead. Evromaydana activist Michael Swan reported death of ousted President Viktor Yanukovych of a heart attack, the newspaper writes LB.ua. In a message on Facebook Swan refers to another of the Cardiology Center of Rostov.
According to him, Yanukovych was brought into Cardiology at about 23:00 MSK on March 3 with a heart attack, he died an hour later.
Ukraine should be so fortunate for if true, Russia would lose its Czar for the throne of Ukraine.

Yanukovych – the Next War Criminal

According to reliable sources, The corrupt overthrown president of Ukraine Yanukovich has sent letter to Putin asking him to use Russian military force to invade Ukraine and thus de facto restore him to his pretend elected throne one must surmise for life. This is the man who ordered snipers to shoot unarmed civilians in Maidan.

Russia’s Top Rock Band Understands Revolution More than Politicians

Makarevich Andrey Vadimovich
Andrey Vadimovich Makarevich, founder of the Russia’s oldest active rock band Mashina Vremeni (Time Machine), has released a statement on YouTube.
I’m very concerned about what is happening in Ukraine. But I’m much more concerned about what’s happening on that account in my own country.
I cannot rid myself of the feeling that our authorities perceive the country and its people as nothing more than things for them to control.
However, if a ruler does not listen to its people, and at the same time uses force against it, the people will overthrow him. What happened in Ukraine is typical of a revolution, and for all my lack of love of revolutions, I cannot say that this was unjust.
20.05 ….and a thought for how Ukraine crisis might affect the US’ other foreign policy nightmare – Syria, an ally to Russia

The Most Dangerous Man in Western Europe?

Martin Armstrong Margaret Thatcher
Everyone who knows me, knows I was very fond of Margaret Thatcher. We had some very deep conversations that revealed her true character and wisdom. She knew her history and that is one common bond we had. I loved how she would say “If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.” She had more guts than anyone in politics today that know of. She not only understood her history, she understood there was a cycle of change. As for Europe, she stood firmly against the federalization of Europe into a political entity. The entire effort of the EU has been to establish a federalized Europe and to suppress democracy for the people are too stupid to know what is good for them.This grand theory was hatched on the idea that if Europe could be molded into a United States, then they would eliminate war. They forgot about Russia and forgot the key to war is economics. War always comes when the economy turns down and these people had sent unemployment soaring while filling their pockets justifying their theft that they are really saving Europe from itself.
Thatcher’s words on Europe should never be forgotten:
The European Community is one manifestation of that European identity, but it is not the only one. We must never forget that east of the Iron Curtain, peoples who once enjoyed a full share of European culture, freedom and identity have been cut off from their roots. We shall always look on Warsaw, Prague and Budapest as great European cities…To try to suppress nationhood and concentrate power at the centre of a European conglomerate would be highly damaging and would jeopardise the objectives we seek to achieve. Europe will be stronger precisely because it has France as France, Spain as Spain, Britain as Britain, each with its own customs, traditions and identity. It would be folly to try to fit them into some sort of identikit European personality…it is ironic that just when those countries such as the Soviet Union, which have tried to run everything from the centre, are learning that success depends on dispersing power and decisions away from the centre, there are some in the Community who seem to want to move in the opposite direction. We have not successfully rolled back the frontiers of the state in Britain, only to see them re-imposed at a European level with a European super-state exercising a new dominance from Brussels.
Now people at the grass-roots level are becoming restless. More and more people are starting to wake up to the hidden agenda of Europe. Even Germany is starting to expose this fact and who the press has anointed as the most dangerous man in Western Europe. The man who has lowered the defenses and economically rendered Europe impudent - Wolfgang Schäuble.

China Supports Russia – Former Countries of the Soviet Block in Crisis Many Believe they are Next

China has come out in support of Russia. This is the real cost of the NSA. Spying on  everything has cost America its respect and its allies. Obama is a lawyer, clearly not a political strategist nor a historian. If you are married and distrust your spouse to the point you monitor them, listen into their phone calls, rummage through their emails, hire private detectives to follow them, would you say this is the foundation of a marriage? It is the same in politics and he has pissed off a lot of people creating not just a new Cold War, but an era of isolationism where the world is not so friendly anymore.
While Obama and Draghi seem to be the worse possible people at the helm at the precise correct time the world needs war, the entire former Soviet bloc is scared to death. All our sources are clamoring for forecasts from the computer at this point. Governments are huddling together in the wake of Europe’s impudence. The government in Czech Republic has informed Russia it should not invade and are meeting urgently as reported by the Prague Post. We will be adding the entire sector to the Global Market Watch, Russia, Poland, Czech, Romania, and Bulgaria for starters.
For all those asking the facts on troops, Russia has an overall military force of about 845,000 troops against Ukraine’s 130,000. Russia’s military spending is also vastly greater than Ukraine’s, US$40.7 billion last year compared with US$1.4 billion for Ukraine.

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