Saturday, November 23, 2013

Chris Floyd: Shackles and Chains: Detroit as a Template for Democracy's Destruction

(Be sure to read the comments below the article by Duwayne Josephsson who lives in Detroit!)

... one of the most important -- and unreported -- stories of our day: the shackling of Detroit. Over the past year, we have seen the citizens of a major American city openly, 'legally' stripped of the right to govern themselves and forced into a form of indentured servitude in order to enrich a small predatory elite whose own machinations had driven the city to ruin. 


Democracy: Going Down for the Count in Detroit

The “restructuring” of Detroit through bankruptcy is the model for drastically downsizing what’s left of democracy in all of urban America. Already, Black voting rights have been rendered null and void “on a scale not seen since the death of Reconstruction.” However, the legal precedents that are being established in mostly Black Detroit will obtain throughout the nation.

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