Friday, July 12, 2013


Fed Minutes Show 50% of Board Want QE To End by Year-end

The minutes of the Fed meeting are showing that we may not be talking about tapering the Quantitative Easing, we may be looking at its end. Bernanke is leaving because the Fed has no room to manipulate the economy no less interest rates. This is perhaps the greatest dissent within the Fed we have every seen. QE is going to die and Bernanke is leaving. So say Hello to the next 2 years.

US Worst Tax Oppression Ranking 94Th in World Below Zimbabwe

US Citizens begin Lobby to Repeal International Taxation on American Citizens. What they need to know is that Congress did not write a law taxing worldwide income. That was a judge who decided that and he had no such power.
To fight this issue, in a Texas court I suggest bringing a lawsuit against the USA for slavery. Owing taxes merely based upon birth is economic slavery. You pay taxes to be your “fair share” but every other country you do not pay if you are not there because you are not receiving anything. This has got to be challenged. Stay out of NYC.
The US Tax Code is destroying the World Economy. The USA now ranks 94th below even Zimbabwe.

Where will Capital Go After 2015.75?

QUESTION: When the capital flows change direction after 2015.75, . . . .. If the inflows come to the USA after Japan & Europe implode, where does capital goafter 2015.75??????
ANSWER: If we see the crisis unfold in Europe and Japan over the next 2 years, we will get the traditional Phase Transition here like Japan got into 1989 and the US received into 1929. Thereafter, capital returns to the place from which is came.
What Marx and socialists do not grasp is that capital concentrates both like this internationally as well as among individuals. This is the key to progress. Andrew Mellon lent the money personally to the inventor of Aluminum and founded ALCOA. The bank could not lend on an idea. Mellon had the money and believed in him.
Communism/Socialism seek out of “fairness” to make everyone equal to eliminate the rich individual. In doing so, they reduce economic growth. When capital concentrates the economy expands because it is investing creating jobs. When you spread it around, the economic growth declines (1) either for hoarding, or (2) a group of people cannot reach a consensus on what to invest in. Look at Congress, you cannot get agreement without a crisis. Human nature is like that. Too many chiefs and no Indians as they say.
Animals In Conflict
Therefore, the disbursement of capital back to where it came from is part of the economic decline. Look at the capital flows for the Great Depression. As they returned, the economy declined. Why? Capital is hoarded and no longer is productive. This is the fatal flaw of Communism/Socialism. It is not a question of what we think should be fair with everyone possessing equal wealth. It is not fair that a pride of lions eat a animal alive. But that is the structure of nature.

We either accept that this is how it works, or we keep screwing everything up by trying to create Utopia that cannot exist. Stop the intervention and accept what we are and like the Bible says – stop coveting thy neighbor’s goods and wealth. As long as they do not act illegally like the investment bankers trying to create the perfect trade, then all is well. Yes we need laws that the New York Club refuse to comply with. They have corrupted politics, the rule of law, and placed at risk all our rights, privileges, and immunities. All so they could rule the world. That is wrong. Trade – if that is what you want to do but with your own damn money and take the losses with the gains. The mere possession of wealth is not evil just like possessing a gun does not automatically make a person mad. For this reason, we need rules and no life-time judges or politicians to ensure the rule of law will remain in full force and a few bureaucrats to be bribed as possible.

So Who Really Tried to Blackmail Yeltsin & Takeover Russia – NSA-CIA-or Investment Bankers?

Perhaps the number one question I always get about the ordeal I went through and the sheer chaos that surrounded everything, was just who really was behind the plot the blackmail the former head of Russia Boris Yeltsin to stop him from running for reelection in 2000 and hand pick Boris Abramovich Berezovsky? It is true I even had a meeting with the US Attorney Office on the subject when they realized that Republic National Bank and Edmond Safra had set up even Bank of New York as the center piece in the plot. As the players that surrounded me have mysteriously died, been imprisoned, released just saying they were denied a fair trial without explanation as with the nurse that supposedly killed Safra, Bereszovsky hiding in Britain suddenly hangs himself, and the lawyer who represented Safra’sHermitage Capital Management mysteriously dies in prison awaiting trial, and Safra’s own mysterious murder in Monaco that took the fire company hours to reach being just 10 minutes away while his more than 20 bodyguards were all given the night off, this wild plot is still the classic who-done-it that may not be solved until someone gets the secret files tucked away on this one.
What I do know is there appears to have been a plot to take over Russia. Based upon direct sources from inside Russia, Safra was linked with Boris Abramovich Berezovsky and allegedly Vladimir Aleksandrovich Gusinskythe media tycoon. As the plot was laid out by Russian sources, Yeltsin was convinced to take $7 billion from the IMF funds to refurbish the Kremlin – a staggering amount of money. The funds were wired to a largely unknown company in Switzerland. The wire was steered through Bank of New York and as soon as it was made, Safra had his bank run to the Feds and report that Bank of New York had just conducted a money laundering event. The Feds ran in wide-eyed and of course announced their action to the world before thoroughly investigating the allegations of Safra. I had a personal meeting with Dov Schlien president of Republic National Bank in March 1999 where he asked me to invest $10 billion offering a letter of credit guarantee. I sent an email to Tokyo explaining the offer to our office there.
It was at this time that THE CONSPIRATORS threatened Yeltsin with exposure of his theft of $7 billion on the world stage. The demand was to appointBerezovsky as the new President of Russia and for Yeltsin to step down and not run in 2000. Yeltsin, realizing he was set up, turned to Putin who nobody had heard of. As the story goes, Putin promised to take care of everything if Yeltsin appointed him instead, Yeltsin resigned on December 31, 1999, after Safra was killed on December 3rd in Monaco. The Presidential elections were held in Russia on the 26th of March 2000 formally electing Putin.
Berezovsky and Gusinsky fled Russia with their assets confiscated with the former gaining political asylum in Britain and the latter taking off to Israel. I even had a meeting with the Assistant US Attorney in NY in April 2000 about this mess because they ran into huge problems with the whole Bank of New York alleged $7 billion Money Laundering. They could not get any cooperation from the Russian government.
It was Edmond Safra’s Republic National Bank then ran to the US Government in August 1999 and informed them that the Bank of New York had just wired $7 billion to Switzerland in a money laundering scam. The US authorities ran in immediately. The wire was sent to Mabetex, which was the Swiss based company ran by Kosovo/Swiss entrepreneur Behgjet Pacolli who claimed to have the contract to refurbish the Kremlin. He became President of Kosovo in 2011. The Bank of New York broker Lucy Edwards pleaded guilty but did no jail time because she “cooperated” with the government. At her sentencing, the Judge simply asked who was the $7 billion money laundering for? She replied it was a “ransom” for a Russian businessman. The Judge did not bother to even ask any names. The classic cover-up as if anyone would ever pay $7 billion ransom.


The Hermitage Capital Management Fund, which Bill Browder started in 1996 with the late billionaire Edmond Safra, was the largest foreign owner of Russian shares. While everyone has portrayed this as some strange personal attack byVladimir Putin to destroy the company, there is just so much more hidden behind the curtain that one day it will make the basis for a plot in a James Bond movie. Putin, unlike most politicians, is renown for being very smart and an extremely rare type personality that is well suited for a head of state unlike most leaders in the West.
Safa Monaco
Edmond Safra was strangely murdered by what appeared to be a Russian hit squad on December 3rd, 1999, which was interesting exposed by Dominick Dunne of Vaniety Fair, with whom I spoke regularly about his investigation Death in Monaco. Dunne opened his piece:
AP 04272000
Within days of this event, the government decided to stop my trial. They moved to hold me in contempt, conducted a secret closed court session throwing the press out, which is totally illegal, and altered transcripts of court proceedings. They asked for a meeting in April 2000. They admitted they realized I stole nothing for just how does one take a billion out of a bank and nobody knows where it is? Do you show up with a brown paper bag for a 747 full of cash? That is 10 million $100 bills. Even the allegation was stupid. That kind of money could only be wired. The admitted to my face they did not want to go to a public trial. Yet the United States government as a matter of policy will NEVER admit it is ever wrong publicly. So how can we ever believe them when they say they are always right?
Then there is the whole strange affair of Monaco charging Safra’s nurse for his murder and giving him a mock trial throwing him in prison for more than 6 years until the Supreme Court ordered him released simply saying he never received a fair trial leaving forever the identity of the intruders dressed like black Ninjas unknown or explaining how all his bodyguards were given the night off.
Then in Russia during 2005, Safra’s partner Browder was barred from the country without explanation, triggering years of legal conflict. Finally in 2009, the lawyer representing Hermitage Sergei Magnitsky died while he was in pretrial detention in Moscow, who has now been found guilty of tax fraud posthumously.
HSBC shut down Hermitage Capital after Browder was sued for Libel in LondonMost articles have painted Hermitage as a victim of Putin in Russian corruption. Many have begun to ask questions since the NSA exposure, was Safra involved with the NSA or CIA to take over Russia? What about the Boris Abramovich Berezovsky murder? He suddenly hung himself? The whole Safra & CIA connection I am not sure about. That was the story since the CIA was reportedly using his private jet in the Iran-Contra scandal.
Then 30 days later on August 27th, Edmond Safra did it again. I spoke to George Wendler, asking where was the missing money and he said he was just the messenger. There was only one person higher – Edmond Safra. I said tell Edmond I would fly to Geneva that weekend. Wendler replied, that Edmond left for Monaco for “security reasons” so he obviously had received threats shortly after turning in Bank of New York. Wendler remained with HSBC and was later dealing with the notorious Rabbi Ponzi Scheme in New Jersey in which he is mentioned- The Jersey Sting: A True Story of Crooked Pols, Money-Laundering Rabbis …
White Mary JoThat Monday, I went to my lawyers unable to fly to Geneva to confront Edmond personally. My lawyers that day sent an email to Dov Schlien on August 30th informing Republic we would file suit by the end of the week if all missing money was not returned. By Thursday, the FBI was in our offices to protect Republic National Bank.
Again they again used the US Attorney this time claiming they had rogue traders who were illegally trading in the accounts of Princeton Economics and tried to escape any liability claiming I had personally conspired with their rogue traders to hide those trading losses from my clients in Japan. Of course, the US Attorney,Mary Jo White, now head of the SEC, did not bother to even notice that the accounts at Republic in Philadelphia did not belong to the Japanese and thus the whole hiding losses from myself made no sense.
Russia has reached a settlement with Bank of New York Mellon over a $22.5 billion lawsuit against the bank stemming from a 1990s money laundering scheme by one of its executives, Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin admitted.
Edmond Safra had set up a company to invest in Russia, Hermitage Capital Management, and they were soliciting me to invest. I met even with the President of Republic National Bank Dov Schlein who also fled to Israel after Safra was killed. I was asked to bring in $10 billion from Japan to join in the fund. I declined warning that Russia would collapse. Despite the fund’s operating founder William Browder was blacklisted by the Russian government as a “threat to national security” and denied entry to the country after Safra’s death. Hermitage was seized and they attempted to spin this as the fault of the Russian government. Then on November 16, 2009 the legal consultant Sergei Magnitsky for William Browder in Moscow was accused of tax fraud and imprisoned for 11 months, where he then amazingly died in prison. To further cover up this strange story Russian announcement in 2013 that he will be given a mock trial posthumously turned even more heads. The fact he was now found guilty is no surprise.
On the Safra thing, “friends” inside Republic were very pissed off at what they had done to Princeton Economics. When I asked George Wendler about the money, he said he was “just the messenger” meaning there was only Safra on top of him. My “friends” informed me that Safra called the bank each morning into the Metals Desk to ask about gold. He then had them transfer the call to whomever. Because it went through the Metals Desk, the calls were all recorded. They gave me the phone numbers and I turned them over to my lawyer and we issued a subpoena for just those lines. This was just days before Safra’s murder. After that event, the US Attorney office under Mary Jo White came storming in an blocked that discovery of those phone lines that would have no doubt exposed the source of many events.
That is when the bullet was placed in my mailbox. My lawyers got scared. They asked me what the hell was on those lines. I told them I did not know for sure. So I have no idea if Safra and crew were just fronts or were they acting on their own trying to grab the tangible assets of the nation.

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