Monday, July 1, 2013


US Warned by Europe NSA Spying Must Stop Immediately

Congress is circling the wagons to protect the US spying effort against everybody everywhere. The pretense or terrorism is absurd. They do not need to be storing every possible phone call and email in Utah, which is in fact what they are doing. The revelation that the NSA is even spying on the European politicians grabbing all their emails and phone calls demonstrates that the US has gone way too far.
Despite all of this evidence, Congress has circled the wagons to deny everything and protect the NSA claiming their need this to fight terrorism. The bullshit is getting so deep we passed the shovel stage. It is far worse than the press has reported. The degree of protecting the NSA in Washington has seriously damaged the entire respect for the United States and had revealed it has become the hated Stasi. Even Putin has come out and told Snowden to stop the leaks because this is really revealing the USA is way off base and the more that comes out it compels even Russia to then respond. With Europe, France is warning it may now even stop trade negotiations.

What If Everyone Used The Model?

QUESTION: Good morning.
This question is for Martins blog (Martin then, I guess).
What will happen if everyone starts to act according to the forecasts made by the computer, AND use Martin Armstrongs knowledge / advice as a basis when trying to be proactive to the developments forecasted.
Is the human nature and creativity diverse enough, so that the different wishes / goals / preferances makes for diverse enough output to maintain “checks and balances” / cycles? Or will fluctuations be reduced in any way if this very hypothetical scenario manifests?
Best regards
ANSWER: This is a common question that always arises. Human Nature as it is there is no evidence that you can ever reach 100% consensus is anything. Even Thomas Jefferson conceded that politics will always break-down into two opposing forces. All I can do is speculate since no such period has ever existed. Let us assume that everyone followed the Economic Confidence Model. The end result would simply be that the cycle would still function on time. Perhaps we would reduce the volatility, but the turning points would be the same.
The reason why the cycle cannot be altered is because at the core is the fact that it is the blueprint of nature. Weather is in there and cannot be altered. The strange weather patterns are impacting everything. Much of the fruit for Europe is having to be important because of too much rain. Crops in the US were also impacted. Here in New Jersey the weather is turning very tropical with violent downpours late in the day that remind me of Singapore. This is impacting even consumption of beer in Europe that has fallen to a 20 year low.
So it does not matter. This cycle has been functioning for 6000 years. Government’s have tried to intervene thanks to Marx and Keynes. Vut Communism and Socialism have failed because we cannot change the Business Cycle no matter how many laws we create or people we imprison. They killed Kondratieff because he said the cycle would defeat Communism. He was right and they killed him for that. In Latvia, when the economy turned down in 2007 and an economist Dmitrijs Smirnov warned of an economic decline, the government imprisoned him for such a forecast. Meanwhile, ordinary Latvians have received the intended message sent out by the Security Service. When asked by a BBC journalist whether Smirnov had he changed his views on the Latvian economy in light of his arrest and imprisonment, he responded without hesitation: “[o]f course. I will be more careful. I don’t want again to go to prison.”
They have tried to do everything thinking they can merely silence me and that will prevent the Business Cycle from unfolding. It is not me. It is not my model. I have merely revealed what has been taking place for thousands of years. It would be like killing Copernicus and somehow then all the planets will revolve around the earth.

European Politicians Are Realizing – Blackmail is the Game

A revelation is dawning that the excuse of the NSA looking for terrorists but taking absolutely everything, is at last causing a light to go off. European politicians realize that they are targets and the name of the game is to blackmail anyone that the NSA simply does not like.
They realize that the New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer was targeted when he tried to go after the Wall Street Investment Bankers everyone today calls theUNTOUCHABLES. After he got rid of Hank Greenberg at AIG for Wall Street not realizing he was doing them a service, when he turned on them that was his serious mistake. They suddenly discovered checks to a hooker and his hotel in Washington was bugged when he met with her. Since then, no one has dared to investigate Wall Street.
Then there was Dominique Strauss-Kahn who again became a target when he was the IMF chief and began to comment critically on the role of the world financial system. I was personally invited to Washington where Edmond Safra of Republic National Bank paid for the IMF dinner that rented the entire National Gallery. I was invited to demonstrate to me how the NY Investment bankers had the IMF in their pocket. That is how the whole Long-Term Capital Management crisis developed because they bribed the IMF to keep the loans going to Russia so they could by their bonds paying outrageous amounts of money. Strauss-Kahn was sent a maid to create a sex to shut him up when he saw the corruption in the IMF.
These and other REALIZATIONS (see Goldman Sachs v Armstrong) behind the curtain are poking at the politicians that these sort of DATA is being used for blackmail. Europeans are now even talking about going the the International Court as the NSA spy scandal is hitting new levels behind the curtain. The NSA scandal was forced in the open by Snowden. However, it was well known that this was going on behind the curtain as we reported on December 30th, 2012.
This is not about terrorists. This is about monitoring society and blackmailing politicians to do as the un-elected bureaucracy demands. Our computer models even in politics have correctly forecast the outcome of every election. The German pressed reported our forecast in 1996 that Clinton would win. This is NEVER personal opinion – just the trend.
Back in November 2012, we published that blackmail was taking place politically. On the Hill, I personally made inquiries as to the shadow common force that seemed to be moving the legislation. There was no individual responsible for all the Draconian legislation appearing. However, connecting the dots, each piece was shaping up to be a common agenda. When I asked that question on the Hill behind closed doors, I was told that the politicians all had a common issue – they could be blackmailed. I wrote at that time:
“Thanks to Lindsey Graham you have no right to a lawyer or to a trial. Why did he champion that? The rumor was he is an alleged closet homosexual and he would be exposed if he did not eliminate the right to lawyers and a public trial. What was done to Raleigh can be done to anyone now.
Then there is Charles B. Rangel who gets caught not remembering to pay his taxes and strangely then introduces tax bills to prosecute more people for doing what he did. Curious coincidence?
I do not write this stuff out of any political animosity. I write ONLY based upon facts. My sources are EXCELLENT and always have been. I do not SPECULATE. I will only put something to writing after investigating. What I personally think is irrelevant. I will never put that to writing without verification. Those who know me well, above all else, know this point is absolutely true.
Behind the Curtain politicians are targets NOT TERRORISTS and the agenda is to blackmail them to direct the political changes the UNELECTED bureaucracy demands. This is the real object of collecting absolutely everything. People on Capitol Hill have told me personally they suspected their emails were being sucked up and that has been for the last 2 years. European politicians are now starting to wake up that they too are targets and that blackmail is the game.

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