Sunday, July 7, 2013

Are We Really Free When Big Brother Is Systematically Turning America Into A Giant Prison?

Every year on July 4th we celebrate our "independence", but is America really free?  How could we possibly be free when "Big Brother" is constantly intruding in our lives in hundreds of different ways?  And I am not just talking about NSA snooping.  Sadly, the truth is that the United States is beginning to fully embrace a "police state" culture.  We have learned that the government monitors and keeps a record of all of our cell phone calls, emails, Internet searches, credit card transactions, and every piece of mail that we send.  But most Americans don't seem to care.  We are "encouraged" to report the "suspicious activity" of our neighbors to the authorities, we are told that having security thugs touch the private areas of our women and children at our airports is necessary "for our security", and 80,000 SWAT team raids are conducted each year in the United States.  But the American people don't seem to care.  America was once a great country, but now it is being turned into a giant prison, and only a small minority of the citizens are raising their voices in objection.

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