Tuesday, June 18, 2013


How to Protect The People from the NSA – Easy

If this whole affair is really about terrorists, then enact legislation that states no American can be prosecuted for any crime based upon any evidence obtained from the NSA. So if ANYTHING is handed to the Justice Department, SEC, CFTC, or IRS, then a citizen shall be ABSOLUTELY IMMUNE from civil or criminal prosecution.
This would be a simple solution. They listen to a phone call and call the IRS, you cannot be prosecuted civilly or criminally – you get ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY just as government prosecutors get from prosecuting innocent people.
END of debate.

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NSA Saves the NY Stock Exchange – Everyone Rejoice!

National Security Agency (NSA) in defense of its surveillance programs seizing every phone call and email in the nation claims that it helped disrupt plots to bomb the New York Stock Exchange and the New York subway system, according to an FBI official told Congress on Tuesday. However, this does not seem to be creditable because the Boston Bombers communicated with cell phones in an unsophisticated manner. So why did they miss that one? The real object of the NSA surveillance is to have a file on every American to hunt money – not terrorists. The more terror attacks the better for them because they are always handed more power. 
If you are standing at the bottom of a hill in San Francisco and a man comes up with his hand out and says he just saved your life asking for a tip, what do you do? He then explains at the top of the hill a car started to roll and it surely would have kill you. But he saved the day, jumped in the car and put on the brake. So what was it worth to you? Would you believe him? Where is the proof?
If there was a plot to blow up the NYSE, surely they would have arrested someone for that is CONSPIRACY that does not require the completion of the act. The people involved would be in jail for life. So how did the NSA save the day yet nobody is put on trial to prove anything took place. Is this the con-job with the bum swearing he just saved your life? Come on! Nothing better than that? But the press will cheer the NSA and suggest we walk around all naked and then nothing could be concealed and that would have prevented the Boston Bombers. And then when the next attack takes place, the next thing they will ask for and the press with second is we all have chips implanted in our ass so anyone without one must be a terrorist.

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Switzerland Show Some Guts At Last

Legislation that would have ended the Swiss banking laws and handed everything to the USA was defeated in a recent vote. The secrecy laws was put in place in 1934 to protect the Jews and Germans from Hitler who attempted the same thing making it criminal for a German to have an offshore account. The Sovereign Debt Crisis cannot be solved by even raising taxes to 120%. The politicians are desperate to hold on to power and cannot see their own destruction of the world economy is taking place because of their greed and corruption.

G8 Going to Hunt Down ALL Capital

These people cannot understand what they are doing to the world economy or even grasp why the liquidity has shrunk by about 50%. People do not believe the rise in the Dow claiming it is on low volume. They fail to grasp that everywhere we look, there is a massive contraction in global liquidity. As the VELOCITY of money declines, so does economic growth and that results in rising unemployment. Sorry, there is no HYPERINFLATION. I have stated before, there will come the day you will PRAY forHYPERINFLATION for what we are headed into a black hole beyond anything historically within the global economy. This is getting worse week by week and in all honesty, the collapse in theVELOCITY of global investment is very, very serious. When this turns down from 2015.75, it will be far worse than what we saw with the 2007.15 turning point. They can control the press to hide the truth, but that will not prevent the demise. In fact, all the loss of the free press will accomplish is total shock and that will result only in a much more pronounced panic in the future.
It is the Guardian in Britain that is becoming the leading newspaper to read

ICIJ Has done far more damage to the World Economy That Anyone Realized

These Journalists are basically communists. Their view of “integrity” that everyone should pay their taxes rather than looking at the corruption in government that is causing widespread rise in taxes that is fueling the economic decline and rising unemployment is just astonishing. Britain is now moving to shut down all offshore tax havens. In Singapore, unable to get the government cooperation, governments are paying bribes to staff to to turnover citizen names of offshore accounts. The ICIJ has ASSUMED that any entity with a nominee director must be for hiding taxes and they want government to seize everything. These people have no concept of what they are doing to the global economy. Liquidity is off by 50%. The whole NSA crisis in the USA is impacting the dollar and the higher the Euro moves into the end of the week, the worse the prospects for the European economy. This will force Germany into a deep recession and the Swiss peg will be setting itself up for an extraordinary failure. A weekly closing in the Euro above 13432 on the cash could warn of a serious short-cover rally that will break the back of German and Switzerland opening the door for the Euro to hit as high as 14600. Nevertheless, this week remains a turning point so a temporary high would ideally form. However, gold declines because of this massive effort to destroy not just offshore havens for capital, but to shut down the precious metals as an exit for capital fleeing taxes and the banking system.
German Debt Int%
These journalists just may have hammered the last nail in the coffin. Privacy is totally gone and the world these people are helping to create is one void of all human rights. They expect society to be economic slaves and to pay whatever government demands even though it is being funneled out to back door to the bankers. They are too ignorant to look objectively that about 70% of all sovereign debt globally is accumulated interest expenditures that produced nothing for society and oppress the poor that they are so concerned about with their “integrity” and “fairness”.

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