Sunday, November 18, 2012

Destruction Of America Enters Final Phase

the evolution of the United States over these past two-centuries, when looked at in its proper context, shows that among all other political-economic systems the world has ever devised, it, and it alone, has the inherent structure embedded into it allowing this nation to change everything about itself in order to not only survive, but to destroy anyone else who threatens it.
Though never seeming to change its basic character, the United States has, nevertheless, been able to adapt to changing circumstances unimpeded by either ideology or stasis (the state of equilibrium or inactivity caused by opposing equal forces) to become what it is today, a political-economic mixture of capitalism, communism, socialism and fascism.
The danger to this now greatest empire the world has ever known is that nature itself shows that such a system is doomed to fail because as incomes increase and extravagances develop, as new needs begin to replace those which have been satisfied, and even though prosperity spreads to neighboring countries, they become a threat and force the empire into greater military expenditure. For these and other reasons, public consumption in mature empires has a tendency to rise sharply and outstrip productivity.
All that is left now for the Empire of the United States is its destruction…which has already been planned, and has now entered its final phase.

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