Sunday, April 26, 2020



Contamination & Corruption of Government

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People who stand up to the overwhelming corruption that has seized control of our lives through the offices of government are demonized, arrested, killed, or thrown [...]
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California ER Doctors Speak Out

California ER Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi This is the same information we are getting from around the country. Hospitals are empty and unless this [...]
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Update on Manipulating the World Economy

Amazon is still operating at a reduced capacity. They have restrictions on the amount of products they are accepting right now. Believe it or not, they will accept [...]
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The Press is Deliberately Trying to Hurt People for Political Change?

People are starving because of this nonsense of locking down the entire nation. Many live paycheck to paycheck. The leftist media could care less. The total [...]
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Socrates & the Ability to Forecast the Whole

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I find it intellectually dishonest why the mainstream media refuses to cover your forecasts and others plagiarize you when Socrates has been [...]
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PRIVATE BLOG – Agricultural Production Crisis

PRIVATE BLOG – Agricultural Production Crisis Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, [...]
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Market Talk – April 24, 2020

ASIA: The Indian government has announced a new policy on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) from border sharing countries. The new law came into effect after the [...]
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