Sunday, January 26, 2020

Your Chance Of Developing Symptoms Or Dying From The Menacing Coronavirus That Now Threatens Global Human Populations Is 0.0000017482% Symptoms/ 0.0000001137% Death

Coronavirus propaganda
Don’t be duped by all the fear-evoking news reports.  Turn off the television.
You would never imagine public health authorities plan these epidemics.  The current planned epidemic eerily follows the script of the 2011 movie CONTAGION, which shows the virus originating with a bat in China.  Just like the human immune system can over-respond to infection, the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control over-react to the imagined pandemic.  In either case, vitamin D is the antidote.  Be wary of what you read in news reports.  An uninformed populace is blind.  Remember, in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

All the advice to stay away from crowds, wear a mask, wash your hands, is silly.  That is because the lack of hygiene is not why cold and flu viruses plague the planet in winter months.  It is just that winter months are when the human immune system crashes.  The disease is lack of internal defense, not external exposure and transmission.  The primary reason for this is plunging vitamin D levels from lack of sunlight as the earth tilts away from the sun in the winter solstice.
Sunshine vitamin D activates rapid responding class of white blood cells called neutrophils that literally blow up viral-infected cells. 

 Take 50,000 units of vitamin D on the first hint of cold or flu symptoms for a day or two.  Otherwise you will endure ~7-8 days of misery until your adaptive immune system kicks in and produces B in bone marrow and T cells the thymus gland to produce tailor-made antibodies against the particular strain of coronavirus in circulation

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