Monday, December 2, 2019



Market Talk – December 2, 2019

ASIA: China has suspended a visit from the US Navy in Hong Kong after last week’s passing of the bill which requires the US to annually monitor Chinas compliance [...]
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CO2 Rate of Change

QUESTION: Hi I read this blog post and took a look at Nasa´s own homepage. Well, they are surely promoting this climate change hysteria. What I would like to know [...]
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Legarde & Green Bonds

  QUESTION: Marty; Why is Legarde pitching Euro Green Bonds when they lose money? JL ANSWER: If she can use the climate change nonsense to shame Germany into [...]
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Climate Change – Hiding the Truth

COMMENT: Awesome !!!! Yeah that’s you Martin ! National treasure Also the Climate Change hysteria. I’ve been on that for 30 years. You are spot on. I [...]
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There is No CO2 Climate Emergency & NASA Data Confirms that

COMMENT: Marty; Socrates has done a great job with the markets. But your forecasts that the winters would progressively get colder has beaten every forecast on the [...]
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ESP & the Government’s Experiments

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The Star Witness Against Trump?

Here we have direct linkage admitted by Biden that $1 billion would be withheld unless he fired the prosecutor investigating the company who hired his son to gain [...]
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Market Talk – November 29, 2019

ASIA: The US signed the Human Rights and Democracy Act into law, which requires the US to continue to monitor Chinese actions regarding Hong Kong citizen’s [...]
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Davos the Film Entitled “The Forum”

Marcus Vetter’s film “The Forum” is a look behind the scenes of Davos. This is an interesting film and his follow-up to “The [...]
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Repo Crisis – Best Kept Secret Ever!

COMMENT: Marty; I want to thank you for a great conference. It is clear you are the only true institutional adviser. Our board is very impressed. The FT reported [...]
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London Court Rules 1MBD Hearing Will Be Public

Malaysia won a MAJOR victory in a London court that will allow public hearings in the notorious 1MDB case where Goldman Sachs facilitated what is alleged to be the [...]
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UK Snow Hits 7-Year Temperature Low

COMMENT: I told a friend to read your blog for a global viewpoint. He said you were wrong that all of Britain was not under snow. I told him he was an idiot. Never [...]
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France & the Uprising

QUESTION: Would you say that the majority of French are becoming anti-Islam? GSD ANSWER: No, of course not. The blackout of such protests does make it hard to gauge [...]
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Happy Thanksgiving

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Market Talk – November 27, 2019

ASIA: Chinese economic news today showed that industrial profits have had the biggest fall since 2011 in October. The trade war is the obvious culprit here with the [...]
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