Monday, April 15, 2019

Assange’s Judge a Disgrace to the Bench, Former UK Ambassador Says

 Both Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange are now in jail, both over offenses related to the publication of materials specifying U.S. war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq, and both charged with nothing else at all. No matter what bullshit political and MSM liars try to feed you, that is the simple truth. Manning and Assange are true heroes of our time, and are suffering for it.

A comment on this article: 
DW Bartoo
April 15, 2019 at 22:58 
What we are observing is the use of the empty form of the law to destroy the rule of law.
Should there ever be a Nuremberg level consequence for such behavior, then it will and should be judged, as it was at Nuremberg, to be a most heinous perversion of legal process in the depraved service of a brutal and violent regime holding itself as “exceptionally” above reason, intrinsically beyond conscience, and divinely absolved of any need of foundational principle.
Judge Snow is merely the house-broken pet lizard of the pipsqueak U. K. crocodilian sidekick to the really nasty tyrannosaur, stomping around and calling the shots. 

Snow has performed his required tricks and puffed himself up to hiss about narcissism, totally and blissfully bereft of any personal substance or conscious awareness of his turpitude or the pitiful meagerness of his stature as a human being.

He is a cheap bit actor playing a preplanned and pitiful role.
Compared to the heroic actions of Assange and Manning, as human beings of substance and courage, Snow is all too typical of the small little minds and oversized ambitions that we shall be seeing ranting and raving, in what they imagine will be thundering voices but really will be merely the mewlings of uncouth and thuggish brats who have bullied their way onto the world’s stage, not as actors of merit but as freak shows of overweening pretense.

True, they may unleash great and destructive violence and harm, but they will never win or command true respect from those who value real courage and the genuine humanity of consideration and compassion.

They may plunder and kill, they may destroy and tear down, but none of them can build genuine trust or command honest respect.
By their actions we will know them and by their words they will betray, not us, but themselves.

Those who exercise power only through harm, through diminishment, or through despotic domination live in fear and suspicion, they may imagine that they and they alone are free to act as they will, but they are all trapped in the pathological whims of their own demise.

They may imagine that they are all powerful, but that is true only so long as they’ve minions to order about, as they have a cowed populace to manipulate.

When their orders are no longer obeyed and their Machiavellian deceits no longer succeed in frightening the many, then they will be powerless, for they have no real energy of their own, only what they can suck out of others.

The long reign of the few over the many, what, for thousands of years, we have called “civilization” but which has really, most always, been what we now term “the one percent, lording it over the ninety-nine percent, and that pattern has run its course.
If the human species is to survive, for the existential limit has been reached, then two things must end, warfare and the destruction of the web of life that permits our very existence.

And one thing must flourish.

That one thing must be full participatory democracy.

Assange and Manning have laid bare the truth of war, have shown the destructive depravity of the few, simply by enticing the few to act out, blatantly, in full view of all humanity,their “games” of manipulation and domination.

Those games may go on for some time, but they will daily become more obvious and desperate, sufficiently so that even the most befuddled will understand.

Soon it will be time to begin to consider what sort of society humanity will have to fashion to meet the needs of all, even of species beyond our own, part of that may be about doing less harm, or even none at all.

Have we the imagination and the vision to fashion, first the narrative that will permit us to consider what that world might need to look like?

More importantly, have we the courage to embrace what such a world might feel like?

Suppose we were to develop a genuine sense of community with a shared and experienced social contract of cooperation rather than competition and service to our fellow beings rather than “ambitions” of accumulating obscene wealth or seeking to have total domination over others.

Human nature is really whatever we choose to manifest it as.
We all have had the brief opportunity of corporeal existence, and it is brief and fleeting.

Should we not all wish that to go on, even after we each return to the void from which each of us has sprung?

Does life have sufficient value that we might all agree that it is worth sharing with all other beings on this planet with is not only our only home in the emmensity of universe, but also, for our reasonable intents and purposes, nothing less than paradise?

Ought we be in as rush or a huff to destroy it or to refuse to share it, even with generations of being not yet here?

Or, is that simply too much to consider?

Should we just continue as we are?

Seemingly oblivious to the great and good fortune that existence has presented us?

What do you think?

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