Sunday, March 17, 2019

NZ shooting Helmet Cam Uncut Uncensored Video WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT!!!/v/highimpactflix/l3p2l643

If everything we see on this video is the real deal (and these days, you never know) there is no good reason that it shouldn't be made available for the public. "Officials" tell us that this should not be in the "public domain." Mainstream media tells us we shouldn't have access to this kind of content. Social Media giants are trying to scrub this from the internet. Freedom says, "if you wanna see it, here it is....if you DON'T wanna see it...don't watch it.

When people scream for censorship (which is just a euphemism for CONTROL), they are saying, "I don't want to see that and I want a third party to keep YOU from seeing it." How arrogant!

So here's the New Zealand shooting video nobody in the mainstream wants you to have access to. THANK YOU DTube, for having the balls to go against, basically, EVERY outlet and treat us like the adults we are! Everybody get a Dtube account, subscribe to my channel here
highimpactflix and let's fight back against censorship..


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