Monday, April 17, 2017

KARL DENNINGER: Prognostication: Here It Comes

I claim no special power here, nor any inside information.  This is simply arithmetic coupled with logic.  I'll give you a "decision tree" sort of format with the critical points outlined.

Note that if you're going to mitigate any of what I see coming around the bend you need to do it right damn now, not wait.  By the time you get to those critical points it's too late.  For many people it's already too late, but if you're not in that batch then you need to make your lifestyle changes today.

I am operating on the premise that the rank corruption that I outlined in the Ticker here will not be addressed.  It will not be addressed for the same reason the 17th Amendment will be cited as the reason the American political experiment failed when the book on America is finally closed, as that amendment permanently removed the ability of the States to call a hard-stop on any expansion of Federal Power they did not consent to.  That was designed in to our government by the founders and it was removed intentionally by the 17th Amendment.  That balance of power can never be restored absent a Revolution because to do so The Senate would have to literally vote themselves out of a job at a supermajority level which they will never do and there is no means to compel them to do so.

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