Dow Jones Industrial For the Week 10/20/2014
Today we need a closing ABOVE 16660 to show some neutrality. Friday was the main target for this week. Exceeding the Wed high yesterday set the tome for a possible high on Friday this week. The next turning point will be the week of Nov 3rd. A closing below 16660 will warn that the next target could still be a low.
The Muslim Radical Fear Hitting Western Governments after Canada
The attack inside the Canadian Parliament by a radicalized Muslim born in Montreal has sent shivers down the spin of Western governments in Europe and America based on inside sources. According to Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the gunman had recently applied for a passport, planning to travel to Syria to join ISIS. He was Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, 32, and Canadian born in Quebec at Montreal to a father from Libya and a Canadian mother.
Western Governments fear that this new threat introduces home grown religious zealots turn terrorist. In this case, nobody has to fly in – they fear inside jobs. This is creating a reluctance to send any ground forces to confront ISIS for this may enrage religious zealots born in their countries to rise up. This is a different kind of war – one that is religious rather than merely nation v nation. Our model show we are indeed in an escalating trend. The radical religious groups are trying to use the media to recruit worldwide and to start another Holy War.
The RCMP said “We need to investigate and understand his radicalization process. He is an interesting individual in that he had a very well developed criminality.” (reported Reuters)
Once a Government Program Starts – It Never Ends
World War II created the vast military-complex. Once that was created, they used the threat of Communism to expand. Indeed, Communism was the battle cry for both the Korean and Vietnam Wars. The discovery of Eisenhower’s notes on his famous Farewell Speech of January 17, 1961, which were discovered only in 2011, illustrate that this was in the draft stage for years.
Eisenhower was always talking about the Cold War and the threat it was transforming American into a “garrison state.” Eisenhower was a general and the military thought they had put their man in office and he would give them the golden keys to the nation’s vault. The military wanted a lot more than he was willing to give them. Most people have no idea that Eisenhower stood as a check against the military that he saw had grown 10 fold from before the war and was consuming the nation’s resources.
The military was extremely frustrated Eisenhower and his farewell address was critical for he was attempting to pass on a warning. This battle between the ever-increasing demands from the military is what Eisenhower warned about and I believe Kennedy clearly understood that development and was eventually assassinated for trying to curtail its growth.
Yes there was Lee Harvey Oswald who was never put on trial and was assassinated by Jack Ruby who dies in prison. If there had been a trial, it may have proven there were other shooters and that he was a unknowing participant in a much grander conspiracy. This same pattern appears to have been used with 911. Yes there were “terrorists” but they too were being used for a greater purpose – to expand the military complex once again.
Man Made Climate Change is a Fraud
I have stated all along that this is total bogus nonsense about global warming cause by man. This theory is concocted by people who are either totally a fraud used to scare government into handing them billions of dollars to justify new taxes, or they are sublime idiots incapable of anything but stupid linear thinking. It has never dawned on anyone who is it possible that there have been historic droughts, ice ages, and periods of warming long before the invention of mass automobiles by Henry Ford?
Now, John Coleman, who co-founded the Weather Channel, has lambasted these corrupt academics by insisting the theory of man-made climate change was no longer scientifically credible. These academics I suspect are really just fraud artists.
Eisenhower in his Farewell Speech warned about academics with respect to the military establishment. “The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present – and is gravely to be regarded.”
Coleman has publicly stated that there is ‘little evidence’ for rising global temperatures outside of normal cyclical variations that are a ‘natural phenomenon’ within a developing eco-system.
Let’s start an investigation of all the academics who have taken billions of dollars to create a bogus theory and follow the money trail. I think a lot of people belong in prison for what they have done to the entire world on this absurd issue.(PERSONAL OPINION)
Dow Jones Industrials 10-24-2014
We rallied right up into Wednesday testing the convergence of overhead resistance and will now most likely return to retest support into Friday. The bulk of resistance stands at the 17000 level and support at 15960. This is the closing range of resistance and support. If this week proves to be the reaction high, then we should see one more new low ahead.
This is the timing that seems to be emerging. The rally for stocks seems to be pushed off into the 2017-2018 period for it looks like this 8.6 year wave will be the peak in the bond bubble. After that, interest rates will escalate and we will see a greater number of defaults in various governments. Keep in mind that the amount of capital invested in bonds v equity is about 3:1. Despite all the prognostications of a Great Depression based upon a bubble in stocks, sorry – we ain’t there yet.
Danger of Conspiracy Theories
If you want to hide something in plain view, exaggerate it to the point it becomes extreme and convert it to a conspiracy theory. This is a very standard in how to create propaganda and if you keep saying a lie, its becomes the truth to many without ever having to prove anything. To uncover the truth, takes digging. This I have discovered both in politics as well as market fundamentals.
The two big conspiracy theories to be exaggerated that cover up the truth are the 911 WTC Attack and the Kennedy Assassination. With the former, people take it to the extreme and claim there was not even an attack by terrorists and the whole thing was made up. Sorry, there was an attack and the government knew it was coming and allowed it to for three purposes
- (1) eliminate the evidence on many cases in WTC7 including all my evidence that documented EVERY market manipulation up to 1999 by the investment banks et al for which they are getting fined all the time today
- (2) wipe out the evidence that would have exposed the missing $2 trillion in the Pentagon budget, and
- (3) generate more power for government by allowing Americans to be victims as originally proposed in Operation Northwoods.
Now, that is far closer to the truth than claiming there was no Middle East terrorists involved at all, Strange, for that does not jive with Saudi Arabia threatening Russia with terrorism or the funding of ISIS to overthrow Syria which has now overthrown most of Iraq.
In the Third 1960 Presidential Debate, Kennedy exposed the truth behind the decline in the Bretton Woods System – it was the vast expenditure on the military. Her said:
Now on the question of gold. The difficulty, of course, is that we do have heavy obligations abroad, that we therefore have to maintain not only a favorable balance of trade but also send a good deal of our dollars overseas to pay our troops, maintain our bases, and sustain other economies.
The price of silver was rising and Kennedy set in motion the withdraw of silver from the monetary system. This too has been spun into a conspiracy theory Here they have spun JFK’s Executive Order 11110 into the Federal Reserve killed Kennedy because he was taking their power to print currency away. You just can’t get any more far-fetched than that one.
Simply put, JFK also said the US current account deficit could be stopped at any time if the government stopped expanding its military worldwide for that was sending dollars offshore. If anyone had a motive, it was the very same people behind the NSA abuse of power – not the Federal Reserve, Mafia, or Russians. Just follow the money and you get closer to the truth – i.e. Halliburton, Cheney and the Iraq War against a nation who was against religious fanatics, the very terrorists who attacked the USA – go figure that one out without following the money. We took out two dictators who kept religious fanatics in check -Saddam Hussein and Muammar al-Gaddafi.
BTW, as soon as Halliburton was to be investigated, they moved to Dubai. Just follow the money.