Monday, April 22, 2013


What a coincidence! I wrote a poem about Gold Bugs last night over at Zerohedge. I hope you guys enjoy it!
Maw!, Quick! Hock the trailer!
And hock the pickup, too.
Gold is 18 hundred,
So, we'll buy an ounce or two.
And when it hits 10 thousand,
Oh, how we'll swell with pride!
Sell it off, pay back the loan,
And buy a double-wide!
Paw, it's Fred, the pawn shop guy.
He's says a payment's due.
Should we sell an ounce of gold,
Or maybe even two???
Nope, it's 16 hundred now,
We need to buy the dip.
Hock the shotguns, and the dog,
We'll wait and sell the rip.
Paw, it's Fred, the pawn shop guy.
Another payment's due.
Should we sell an ounce of gold,
Or maybe even two???
Nope, it's 15 hundred now,
A sure sign to invest!
Let's go get a paycheck loan,
I think that's what is best.
Paw, it's Fred, the pawn shop guy,
And the loan girl, Betty Lou.
Should we sell an ounce of gold
Or maybe even two???
Nope, it's 14 hundred now,
So let's stick out our necks.
We'll gamble on the rally,
With some insufficent checks.
Paw, it's Fred, the pawn shop guy,
And Betty Lou's on hold.
They're mad about the hot checks.
Pretty pleeease, let's sell the gold???
Nope, it's 13 hundred now,
It's got to take off soon.
Nowhere left to go but up.
A rally to the moon!
Paw, it's Fred, the pawn shop guy.
Our trailer has been sold.
Betty Lou has garnished us,
You've got to dump the gold!
Maw, the stuff is selling
For 8 hundred bucks an ounce.
I think we should hope and pray
We get a dead-cat bounce.
Paw, it's getting serious.
The Sheriff's at the door.
He says we have to clear out.
Oh please sell it, I implore!
Maw, I can not sell the gold.
The price could not be worse.
I thought I had the Midas touch.
I did. . . but in reverse.
. . . .
Paw, this cardboard box, it leaks.
The sidewalk's awful cold.
I'm about to starve to death,
Too bad we can't eat gold.
Maw, I know just how you feel.
My pillow is a log.
I miss my shotgun, and my job.
I really miss my dog.
I miss my trailer, and my truck.
I can not be consoled.
All I have to keep me warm,
Is a stupid chunk of gold.
Time for me to dump the gold.
And I've gotten a few tips.
About an opportunity
Investing in TU-LIPS.
Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter

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