Friday, February 1, 2013

Military Terror Hits US Cities As Veterans Banned From Owning Guns

during the past week residents of HoustonTexas were terrorized when US Army helicopters and massive gunfire shattered their calm existence, and as described by Isaac Robertson Jr. who in talking to local reporters about a call he received from his wife stated, “She told me 'don't come home it sounds like we're in a war zone. Guns, shooting, helicopters flying around the house.”
Likewise, this report continues, Miami, Florida residents were shocked this past week when “diving Blackhawk’s, blank rounds of machine gun fire, strafing runs, troops rappelling from choppers, and road blockades” destroyed the calm in their city like the US military had done to those living in Houston.

as confirmed by US news reports, the US military last year built a mock city roughly the size of downtown San Diego that has risen in a remote Southern California desert to train their forces to fight in urban environments. The $170 million urban training center was unveiled last January at the Twentynine Palms military base, 170 miles northeast of San Diego. The 1,560-building facility will allow troops to practice and refine skills that can be used around the world, the US Marine Corps said.

Of perhaps even greater concern to the American people, this report continues, was President Obama’s signing threepresidential memoranda on 16 January, of which the first was directing all US federal agencies, including the military, toidentify relevant records to be put into his nations National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) which designates those who are able to buy weapons.
Where the propaganda US media reported to the American people that Obama had signed 23 “executive orders” relating to gun control, this report says, Russian legal analysts note that no such thing occurred.  Rather, these analysts say, Obama initiated“executive actions,” knowing that the former (executive orders) would have to be made public, but the latter (executive actions) can, and was done in secret with no American being able to see for themselves what his full actions against them really are.

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