Tuesday, December 18, 2012


For the past few days I have been reading articles and watching TV programs and listening to commentators regarding the Newtown shootings and especially reading the thousands of comments beneath these articles.

All the daily programs that are proclaiming that 'their hearts and prayers are with the families' or that the dead children are now 'angels' and 'in heaven' are simply being proclaimed because they don't have the intelligence or courage to say what is true. They all just want you to forget what happened and go back to watching their commercials and buying their goods so they can continue to live the lavish lifestyle you all provide them.

You will ALL let this incident pass from your minds in about 30 days and go back to watching your reality programs and sports games.

It has made me believe I am living in a nation of imbeciles.

When ( I now believe NEVER) will we start reasoning with FACTS to solve the enormous amount of problems and dysfunctions present in our society (the richest that has ever been, until recently) instead of EMOTIONS?

Every time some major catastrophic event occurs we see people sobbing and wailing who usually took no efforts to protect themselves from what anyone with a brain would KNOW is a distinct possibility of happening.

We build houses on the seashore when we KNOW a hurricane will come. We build the flimsiest of houses in Tornado Alley. We build huge cities on earthquake faults that shake all the time. Then we wonder why disasters hit us.

The first response to those natural disasters is to have some politician stand up and blare into the wind, 'WE WILL REBUILD!"

In the case of these shootings, the first response is to BLAME THE GUNS! Or the meds. Or the mother (who appears to me to be a supremely logical person by preparing for what's coming and protecting her son from the community that SHUNNED HIM because he 'was weird!'

The weapons' purpose is to be able to defend ourselves from a government out of control that will soon be shooting us down in the streets due to their INSANE policies when we can't find food and shelter and attempt to appeal to that government to SUPPORT US instead of the weapons makers, the bankers or the madmen in charge of the Israeli Government who are intent on starting a World War.

We can't conceive of the PRACTICAL idea that we should all be RESPONSIBLE for our own protection, to the degree that is possible living in a country and world where all sorts of nasty things can happen to any of us.

Never do we bother to understand that the HUMAN that used the gun, and took the PRESCRIBED meds became unbalanced enough to strike out against his/her fellow humans, who in most cases, DROVE HIM/HER into such a state of rage by NOT ACCEPTING HIM into society, but instead pushed him away and made fun of him for his difference.

In our egotism of thinking that only we 'pretty people' and 'affluent people' deserve to have a life of unending prosperity and support, we EXCLUDE those among us who aren't so pretty, aren't wealthy enough to have all the nice toys, or are disabled or elderly and aren't ACCEPTABLE enough to be wanted at the party.

Well, I think you may be beginning to see what that leads to.

Everyone has a limit as to just how far down you can push their face in the excrement before one of them stands back up and shoots back.

The vitriol and hate that I have seen being spewed by what I now feel is a far too common condition being displayed by the part of the population with access to the internet and motivated to proclaim their feelings in print, is beyond sickening to be exposed to.

It makes me almost not want to provide the information I do each day to assist you all to see what is really happening to us all, and offer suggestions as to how to possibly survive what is coming.

I personally don't expect to survive what is coming, nor do I want to given my age and physical ailments.

I suggest you all think about what it truly means to be a functioning human being who has a sufficient amount of humility and empathy for your fellow human beings who are just as worthy as you think you are to be shown compassion, fair treatment, and above all simple love.

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