"We can deny our heritage and our history, but we cannot escape responsibility for the result. There is no way for a citizen of a republic to abdicate his responsibilities." Edward R. Murrow
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Friday, October 30, 2020
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Monday, October 26, 2020
“Dark Winter”: Bio Warfare Simulation Predicts Vaccine Deaths, Martial Law, And Threats to Civil Liberty in Viral Outbreak Scenario https://www.infowars.com/posts/operation-dark-winter-bio-warfare-simulation-predicts-vaccine-deaths-martial-law-and-threats-to-civil-liberty-in-viral-outbreak-scenario/
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Friday, October 23, 2020
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Monday, October 19, 2020
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Friday, October 16, 2020
Thursday, October 15, 2020
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Democrat City Government in Portland Oregon Permit BLM Thugs to Pull Down Abe Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt Statues and to Smash Up Oregon Historical Society Museum https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2020/10/13/democrat-city-government-in-portland-oregon-permit-blm-thugs-to-pull-down-abe-lincoln-and-teddy-roosevelt-statues-and-to-smash-up-oregon-historical-society-museum/
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Monday, October 12, 2020
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Friday, October 9, 2020
Thursday, October 8, 2020
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Planned in Advance by Central Banks – A 2020 System Reset
Beyond the central European gold repatriation club, the board of directors of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland and the Ministers of Finance and central bank Governors of the Group of Ten (G10) which is also operated from the BIS offices in Basel, would be privy to a 2020 deadline for a planned financial system reset. Which is why their meeting briefs and meeting minutes are classified top secret and will never in your lifetime see the light of day.
Beyond the central European gold repatriation club, the board of directors of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland and the Ministers of Finance and central bank Governors of the Group of Ten (G10) which is also operated from the BIS offices in Basel, would be privy to a 2020 deadline for a planned financial system reset. Which is why their meeting briefs and meeting minutes are classified top secret and will never in your lifetime see the light of day.
Monday, October 5, 2020
The Prognostic Value of Gold & Silver Charts or Lack There of
This article tells you what will be happening in January 2021
This article tells you what will be happening in January 2021

International Lawsuits Being Prepared Against The Corona Scam
Posted Oct 5, 2020 by Martin Armstrong
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Police Brutality Getting Way Out of Control
Posted Oct 5, 2020 by Martin Armstrong
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Rising Civil Unrest in Europe – Will it Lead to Revolution
Posted Oct 5, 2020 by Martin Armstrong
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Sunday, October 4, 2020
The Israeli Newspaper Haaretz Reminds US that Israel’s Most Famous Leader Said: “Most Jews Are Thieves”
Israel treats Palestinians the way Nazis treated Jews, only perhaps worse
Israel treats Palestinians the way Nazis treated Jews, only perhaps worse

London Police have Abandoned the Entire English Bill of Rights
Posted Oct 4, 2020 by Martin Armstrong
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Gates – Schwab – Gore – Refuse to Admit They Have Been Wrong
Posted Oct 4, 2020 by Martin Armstrong
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Saturday, October 3, 2020
The President is just fine and close to death as a result of testing positive for the deadly killer but otherwise benign Corona virus Covid 19
‘Some of Donald Trump’s vital signs over the past 24 hours were “very concerning”‘
‘The President is in good shape and responding well to treatment’
‘The President is reported to be suffering from “mild symptoms” of COVID-19’
‘We’re well aware that Trump has a disease that is particularly deadly for older, overweight men, but we have no reason to trust anything the White House says about the state of his health’
Yer pays yer money, and yer takes yer pick.
President Donald Trump could live to be 200 years old,
or die tomorrow – it’s that clear.
‘Some of Donald Trump’s vital signs over the past 24 hours were “very concerning”‘
‘The President is in good shape and responding well to treatment’
‘The President is reported to be suffering from “mild symptoms” of COVID-19’
‘We’re well aware that Trump has a disease that is particularly deadly for older, overweight men, but we have no reason to trust anything the White House says about the state of his health’
Yer pays yer money, and yer takes yer pick.
President Donald Trump could live to be 200 years old,
or die tomorrow – it’s that clear.

Madman of Australia Wants to Remove All Rights
Posted Oct 3, 2020 by Martin Armstrong
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Farmers Cannot Cross Borders to Feed Livestock in Australia
Posted Oct 3, 2020 by Martin Armstrong
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PRIVATE BLOG –Trump & Coronavirus Election Nightmare
Posted Oct 2, 2020 by Martin Armstrong
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Market Talk – October 2, 2020
Posted Oct 2, 2020 by Martin Armstrong
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Trump Tested Positive for Coronavirus
Posted Oct 2, 2020 by Martin Armstrong
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Astronomical Phenomenon & Socrates
Posted Oct 2, 2020 by Martin Armstrong
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Schools – Equality – Oppression
Posted Oct 2, 2020 by Martin Armstrong
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Friday, October 2, 2020
A DARPA-Funded Implantable Biochip to Detect COVID-19 Could Hit Markets by 2021
An experimental new vaccine developed jointly with the US government claims to be able to change human DNA and could be deployed as early as next year through a DARPA-funded, injectable biochip.
Coronavirus Gives a Dangerous Boost to DARPA’s Darkest Agenda
Technology developed by the Pentagon’s controversial research branch is getting a huge boost amid the current coronavirus crisis, with little attention going to the agency’s ulterior motives for developing said technologies, their potential for weaponization or their unintended consequences.

1 hour ago
Trump has COVID-19: More evidence that he's always put his ego ahead of public health
Stable Genius Becomes Disease Vector
Relax — Donny SuperSpreader can't benefit from catching a virus he has claimed affects "virtually nobody"
OCTOBER 2, 2020
Did you know that Donald Trump needs to wear reading glasses?
It's reasonable that you might not know that. The president, who may have both the biggest and most fragile ego on the planet, goes to great pains to hide the fact that, like most people over 70, he can't read printed text without a little magnification. But there's proof, in the form of a video deposition in the Trump University fraud case that the folks at Mother Jones got their hands on recently.
To be clear, Mother Jones reporter David Corn takes the high road in his story, focusing on the facts of the case without even mentioning that Trump must put on his glasses to read the legal documents. I am not so noble. It's just more proof that Trump, who loves to rant in disconcertingly fascistic fashion about his "good genes," is obsessed with presenting himself as some kind of Übermensch who is untouched by the biological realities of aging, even those that people can see with their own two eyes. He has made his doctor deny that he's fat. He has denied having "mini-strokes" — which was very strange, because no one had said he did. He spends an ungodly amount of time and money on that elaborate combover to make it look like he's not balding.
Now the phony Übermensch has COVID-19. While we can expect Trump will do his level best to hide any symptoms, he can no longer pretend that he's somehow above ordinary human weaknesses, such as catching a highly contagious disease.
Trump's ego, coupled with his disgust for any kind of physical fragility — this is the man who sneered about wounded war veterans that "nobody wants to see that" — has been a major reason that the coronavirus pandemic spiraled out of control in this country.
From the very first hints that the virus was going to be a problem, Trump treated the situation the way he treats his faltering eyesight: as an embarrassing weakness to be hidden away, instead of a problem to be dealt with openly and honestly.
In fact, Trump clearly thinks the existence of the coronavirus is a personal insult directed at him, and has turned it into a personal loyalty test for his staff, his supporters and other Republican politicians to act like the pandemic is no big deal.
The results, of course, have been devastating. Because so many Republican governors gave into Trump's wishes to "reopen" their states too quickly, the pandemic exploded across the country. Trump's signaling that he found mask-wearing and social distancing personally offensive has made it worse, by encouraging Republican voters nationwide to shun basic public health measures to slow the virus. The results never fail to be stunning: Nearly 7.3 million infected as of Friday morning, and more than 208,000 dead.
As recently as during Tuesday night's debate in Cleveland, Trump mocked his Democratic opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden, for wearing a mask, sarcastically noting, "Every time you see him, he's got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away and he shows up with the biggest mask I've ever seen."
Now we can count not just the president and his wife but a spiraling number of White House aides and Republican politicians among the infected — and yes, Trump himself is to blame for this. A surge of reporting overnight and into Friday morning only underscores how reckless Trump, who always puts his fragile ego ahead of the well-being of everyone else, has been with the health of the people closest to him.
He has held rallies and campaign events that are largely mask-free, and often indoors. He has discouraged his staff from wearing masks around him. Trump knew he had potentially been exposed to the virus through his aide, Hope Hicks, who traveled with him twice aboard Air Force One on Tuesday and reportedly began showing symptoms before testing positive on Wednesday. But Trump went ahead and attended a fundraiser in New Jersey on Thursday, even though he may already have been showing symptoms. His staff failed to contact Biden's staff, even though they had likely been exposed on Tuesday evening. Some reports now suggest that the White House actively tried to conceal Hicks' diagnosis, no doubt because Trump's staffers knew that hundreds of people could have been exposed through their reckless behavior.
In other words, Trump's illness is an almost too-perfect illustration of the consequences of his careless, egotistical approach to this pandemic, an approach that has caused the U.S. to have 20% of the world's cases, despite only having 4.5% of the world's population.
Stable Genius Becomes Disease Vector
Relax — Donny SuperSpreader can't benefit from catching a virus he has claimed affects "virtually nobody"
OCTOBER 2, 2020
Did you know that Donald Trump needs to wear reading glasses?
It's reasonable that you might not know that. The president, who may have both the biggest and most fragile ego on the planet, goes to great pains to hide the fact that, like most people over 70, he can't read printed text without a little magnification. But there's proof, in the form of a video deposition in the Trump University fraud case that the folks at Mother Jones got their hands on recently.
To be clear, Mother Jones reporter David Corn takes the high road in his story, focusing on the facts of the case without even mentioning that Trump must put on his glasses to read the legal documents. I am not so noble. It's just more proof that Trump, who loves to rant in disconcertingly fascistic fashion about his "good genes," is obsessed with presenting himself as some kind of Übermensch who is untouched by the biological realities of aging, even those that people can see with their own two eyes. He has made his doctor deny that he's fat. He has denied having "mini-strokes" — which was very strange, because no one had said he did. He spends an ungodly amount of time and money on that elaborate combover to make it look like he's not balding.
Now the phony Übermensch has COVID-19. While we can expect Trump will do his level best to hide any symptoms, he can no longer pretend that he's somehow above ordinary human weaknesses, such as catching a highly contagious disease.
Trump's ego, coupled with his disgust for any kind of physical fragility — this is the man who sneered about wounded war veterans that "nobody wants to see that" — has been a major reason that the coronavirus pandemic spiraled out of control in this country.
From the very first hints that the virus was going to be a problem, Trump treated the situation the way he treats his faltering eyesight: as an embarrassing weakness to be hidden away, instead of a problem to be dealt with openly and honestly.
In fact, Trump clearly thinks the existence of the coronavirus is a personal insult directed at him, and has turned it into a personal loyalty test for his staff, his supporters and other Republican politicians to act like the pandemic is no big deal.
The results, of course, have been devastating. Because so many Republican governors gave into Trump's wishes to "reopen" their states too quickly, the pandemic exploded across the country. Trump's signaling that he found mask-wearing and social distancing personally offensive has made it worse, by encouraging Republican voters nationwide to shun basic public health measures to slow the virus. The results never fail to be stunning: Nearly 7.3 million infected as of Friday morning, and more than 208,000 dead.
As recently as during Tuesday night's debate in Cleveland, Trump mocked his Democratic opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden, for wearing a mask, sarcastically noting, "Every time you see him, he's got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away and he shows up with the biggest mask I've ever seen."
Now we can count not just the president and his wife but a spiraling number of White House aides and Republican politicians among the infected — and yes, Trump himself is to blame for this. A surge of reporting overnight and into Friday morning only underscores how reckless Trump, who always puts his fragile ego ahead of the well-being of everyone else, has been with the health of the people closest to him.
He has held rallies and campaign events that are largely mask-free, and often indoors. He has discouraged his staff from wearing masks around him. Trump knew he had potentially been exposed to the virus through his aide, Hope Hicks, who traveled with him twice aboard Air Force One on Tuesday and reportedly began showing symptoms before testing positive on Wednesday. But Trump went ahead and attended a fundraiser in New Jersey on Thursday, even though he may already have been showing symptoms. His staff failed to contact Biden's staff, even though they had likely been exposed on Tuesday evening. Some reports now suggest that the White House actively tried to conceal Hicks' diagnosis, no doubt because Trump's staffers knew that hundreds of people could have been exposed through their reckless behavior.
In other words, Trump's illness is an almost too-perfect illustration of the consequences of his careless, egotistical approach to this pandemic, an approach that has caused the U.S. to have 20% of the world's cases, despite only having 4.5% of the world's population.
Thursday, October 1, 2020

Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says “Second Wave” Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, “Pandemic is Over”
Posted Oct 2, 2020 by Martin Armstrong
REPLY: I agree. Let it all happen and if it is so lethal, then pray it will be like the Black Plague and reduce the population by 50%. The problem has been that they know it is not serious, but they are using it to expand authoritative power. They imposed masks to break up human interaction; they also imposed social distancing, which has destroyed retail businesses and has even threatened our way of life to the point that only 8% of office workers returned to New York City. They want to end commuting so that we will all work from home with no cars.
They are already talking about imposing lockdowns to now save the planet as well. We are dealing with academics who do not even step into the real world. They fail to understand human nature so they keep imposing Marxist philosophy and swear this time it will work but they need an iron fist at first to show us they care.
The evidence that this is all fake and is being carried out for political purposes is just overwhelming. Even the Chief Science Officer for Pfizer said,”Second Wave” Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, “Pandemic is Over.”

The day of both sides working together are gone. There is something seriously wrong. We have politicians around the world acting ruthlessly, which shows they have no concern about standing for election, which is really strange. Are they being bought to ignore all the objective evidence?
What if this is a phony plan to gain sympathy for Trump?
He can now avoid having any further debates.
He can stop having to have press conferences.
He can avoid having to campaign in public.
He can quarantine for the next two weeks
and supposedly be cured just before the election date.
Then he can receive sympathy from the many sheople
who make their decisions based on their EMOTIONS
rather than facts.
This is not beyond the realm of possibilities as these
people are true criminal psychopaths who will do ANYTHING
to maintain their power.
He can now avoid having any further debates.
He can stop having to have press conferences.
He can avoid having to campaign in public.
He can quarantine for the next two weeks
and supposedly be cured just before the election date.
Then he can receive sympathy from the many sheople
who make their decisions based on their EMOTIONS
rather than facts.
This is not beyond the realm of possibilities as these
people are true criminal psychopaths who will do ANYTHING
to maintain their power.
Donald Trump, Melania and Hope Hicks all have tested positive for the Covid 19 virus
Trump should be able to obtain Hydroxycholoroquine and zinc which will alleviate the symptoms of the virus.
This is the very drug that the powers that be have made UNAVAILABLE to the public stating that they think it is too dangerous even though it has been used for about 70 years with no problems.
Trump should be able to obtain Hydroxycholoroquine and zinc which will alleviate the symptoms of the virus.
This is the very drug that the powers that be have made UNAVAILABLE to the public stating that they think it is too dangerous even though it has been used for about 70 years with no problems.
Trump says he and first lady have tested positive for coronavirus
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