Wednesday, May 20, 2015


“The Forecaster” Now Moving to Feature Film

This has really been an amazing tour. The response in Europe has been at blockbuster levels, to the point that they are now going to turn “The Forecaster” into a feature film portrayed by actors. The level of people who now are grasping that there is a huge problem, set in motion by Clinton’s repeal of Glass-Steagall, is sweeping the world. This is great news for those of us who have longed for political change.
Now that “The Forecaster” is going to the big screen to be portrayed by Hollywood actors, just maybe we can put enough pressure of the entire system to turn the tide toward FREEDOM rather than Economic Totalitarianism.
Heyl Dorothy
It is really ironic that they threw me in prison to get the model and to shut me up. The ONLY government attorney with integrity was Dorothy Heyl of the SEC. She left the SEC in the middle of my case. However, before she left, she stood before the court and said that this contempt should end. The court refused to honor the request of the SEC because Alan Cohen, then on the Goldman Sachs board, said no. The court overruled the SEC and Dorothy Heyl. So who controls the courts? It was obviously not the government that day.
I find it extremely ironic that they tried to shut me up when I was really just an institutional adviser. Instead, they raised my voice to the level that the world is starting to hear. Very interesting how the fickle hand of fate has a way of bringing about the opposite of what they have tried to accomplish.
Normally, funding for a major film comes from the banks. This time, people are raising the funds without the banks to stop their suppression of the truth. This is really turning into a force all of its own.

Why Europe Will Lead the Charge to Eliminate Cash – the Next Step in a Global Meltdown

Europe will lead the world into Economic Totalitarianism because government is now desperate to retain the euro. If the euro collapses, so will Brussels. The government exists solely because of the euro.
The key is the fatal design of the euro. Failure to consolidate the debts of all individual member states has been the worst possible mistake perhaps ever made in this post-Great Depression era of New Economics, where government lawyers assume they can just write a law and it will be followed, as if they were some new modern dictator.
Because of the failure to consolidate the debts, the reserve of the banks had to be politically correct to conform with Brussels, holding a piece of all member state debts. That meant that the defaulting in part or in whole of individual sovereign debts of member states undermined the banking system. This would be as if in the U.S. bank reserves were made up of state debts. If one state failed, everyone would scramble to sell to the banks who had the most.
Since Brussels will not reform, as Einstein correctly put it: “You cannot solve current problems with current thinking. Current problems are the result of current thinking.” This whole idea of negative interest rates is just following the same Keynesian concept that lowering rates will stimulate demand. The missing element is CONFIDENCE. If you do not believe you will make even 1%, you will not pay 0%. While they keep lowering rates to stimulate borrowers, they are wiping out the elderly who now cannot live from their savings, reducing their spending, and destroying the entire idea of pensions and retirement (the social contract). The lack of CONFIDENCE prevents new businesses from forming and therein results in the lost generation of youth who cannot find a job. The elderly are forced to work, so there becomes a shortage of jobs, resulting in higher unemployment among the youth.
Add to that trend wiping out the elderly and the youth, we then have the rising tensions against foreigners everywhere because they see them as taking precious jobs as they migrate to their country. It becomes a vicious cycle that cannot be broken with the same line of thinking.
This is why governments are still using the same line of thinking of negative interest rates and going to the next step. They cannot meet their budgets as tax revenues decline with economic activity, so they go off hunting money causing the global economy to shrink even more. As they hunt money, people hoard and invest even less. They tend to buy assets to get off the grid. To further this effort, governmental thinking then arrives at the solution to eliminate cash forcing the end of the underground economy and 100% tax collection.
However, Brussels knows they have a real crisis in European banking. However, this crisis is monumental and cannot be solved with the same line of thinking that has caused this insane nightmare. Obviously, eliminating cash will prevent people from causing a bank run if a member state defaults. The smart money is trying to get out as fast as it can by buying rare art, coins, stamps, antiques, real estate, etc. This is the only way out, for when they eliminate cash, chances are they will impose CAPITAL CONTROLS and prevent the movement of money out of a country. This line of thinking will lead to this traditional next step.
So in the end, governments (not the Rothschilds) are in a fight for their very existence. They will incite civil unrest, set to rise sharply between 2015.75 and 2017. We also have to be concerned about the outcome for November 21, 2018, which will be the pi target that on previous waves produced 9/11 in New York and the very day of the Greek economic crisis in 2010. Geopolitically, Obama undid everything that was done to make the world safer. He ruined the European economy with his sanctions against Russia, and created the alliance that now exists between Russia and China in military action and drills. The USA might be able to defeat Russia on a conventional battlefield, but they cannot defeat China on the same terms. Meanwhile Germany, the strongest economy in Europe, is constitutionally forbidden to have a big military force. Brussels is now talking about trying to form a European army to further their power. It is all posturing to insanity.
ECM-1998-2002ECM Greece
Brussels will lead the charge to shut down cash as we know it. We are moving into the next stage of massive deflation that I have been warning about – not HYPERINFLATION. Government are moving to control everything; you will not be able to buy or sell anything without government approval. The Economic Totalitarianism I have warned about is on the horizon.
Coming Capital Controls
The next step in the game will be CAPITAL CONTROLS. When the European government realizes that they cannot eliminate cash without the rest of the entire world doing so simultaneously, money will move out even faster from Europe, driving the dollar to excessive highs. They will most likely follow the same script as they did in Cyprus, imposing currency controls to prevent money from fleeing.
The only way out of this mess is the real fight – changing the thinking process. As I have said many times before:HYPERINFLATIONISTS are dead wrong and we will PRAY FOR INFLATION before this comes to an end. We are in the meltdown mode of Western Civilization, all because of debt, and lawyers controlling government who think they can be dictators by just writing laws.
If you understand the nature of the beast we are fighting, you will NOT be surprised and can learn from history; even though we are compelled to watch others repeat it.

Owe Money? Your Passport Could Be Revoked

COMMENT:  Hi Marty,
My husband owed $4,995 for child maintenance back in 2000 but fell off a roof and broke both feet and ended up in a wheel chair for a year, was in a coma for a few weeks, and as he wasn’t able to make a payment due to his condition they raised what he owed overnight to $17k, and now its $25k which they say is interest.
This means he cannot leave the country, passport revoked, hence l have to fly back and forth from the UK until we get my immigration sorted. Obviously l will not be giving up my UK passport.
REPLY: History repeats because humanity never changes. The Romans were hunting for taxes and introduced the passport to prevent people from traveling within the empire if they owed taxes. Nothing has changed in thousands of years. All you have to do is look at what they did before, and surely enough they will do it again. The only difference is that they were bronze.

FATCA: The Deflationary Force Destroying the Global Economy One Day at a Time

Hi Martin,
In Singapore and Hong Kong, everyone who wants to open a bank account or brokerage account have to fill in a FATCA form regardless of their nationalities. If you don’t know how to fill in the form, you have to engage your lawyer to advice you on how to fill it up because the banker is not going to fill in for you or advise you how to fill in.
Experiencing this in real life makes me appreciate your work a lot and I agree with you that those who read your blog knows something is not right. I stumbled on your blog back in late 2009 or early 2010 because I was looking for “you”. Since then I hardly follow the other blogs out there. I guess probably because I can relate to many of the things that you wrote about.
I do hope that the work that you are putting in will lead humanity to freedom instead of being slaves to the government.
Thank you and God Bless you and your team.
REPLY: The majority will never read this blog, for they must be wrong in order to create the trend. This is simply how the business cycle functions. This entire issue of FATCA is outrageous. Look at what it is doing around the world, all for greed and taxation. The blind cannot grasp how deflationary this has been to the global economy as whole. Now even Britain is officially in deflation.

Rothschild’s Famous Quote Likely Made-Up

Rothschild Mayer_Amschel
“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.”
This popular quote is often attributed to Mayer Rothschild. However, it is most likely a fake, despite being directly quoted in “The Creature from Jekyll Island”, further demonstrating my point that this book is way too biased and not indicative of what really took place. It is this quote that has convinced so many that he and his family are evil and are still in control of the world.
This quote actually makes no sense, for the real story of history is he who makes the rules, owns the gold. The Rothschilds were bankers and did not coin the money.  Even in Roman times, there was fraud going on in the mints. These are Fouree Denarii of the Roman Emperor Claudius (41-54AD). They knew how to plate coins with silver in ancient time with chemicals. Here are genuine dies of denarii being used to strike coins that are bronze inside and silver plated. This was not the standard coinage at the time, but obviously a fraud carried out by people in the mint. The famous quote of Rothschild makes no sense on top of the fact the first time it appears is in the book  “The Creature from Jekyll Island”.
Credit Anstalt
Furthermore, the bank that failed in Austria, setting off the Sovereign Debt Crisis and the real depths of the Great Depression was Credit Anstalt – a Rothschild’s bank. It did not matter who coined the money. Credit Anstalt was forced to absorb another bank that failed and those bad loans. It was a shotgun wedding by the Austrian government that the bank objected to and so the government arrange for a secret loan in London to finance the deal. Eventually, economics always prevails which then took down Credit Anstalt. Since the conspiracy theories back then placed such a presence upon the Rothschilds, the failure was taken as far worse than a simple “normal” bank.
buffett-1Knowing who is really in power behind the thrones does not require looking beyond New York City. The control the courts, the Fed, and Washington not to mention the Justice Department and all regulators. When Goldman Sachs needed to borrow $5 billion to survive, who did they turn to? It wasn’t the Rothschilds. It was Warren Buffett. The man with incredible PR control who portrays himself as the White Knight.

The Blood Moon & ECM

I couldn’t help but notice that the forth blood moon will occur on Sept 28 2015. This seems to coincide with your 2015.75 turning point. Any thoughts?
ANSWER: Our model has not taken astrology or events such as the Blood Moon into account. They may be markers, which have been correlated to events, but I personally do not believe that they are theCAUSE of events.
It is still part of human nature to seek a cause and effect to reduce complexity to a single event. Clearly, Babylonian astrology was the first organized system of astrology, which rose during the 2nd millennium BC. This was obviously a major research project that sought to correlate events on earth to the heavens. Even the Three Wise Men of the Nativity who traveled for the birth of Jesus wereZoroasters from Persia who studied the heavens. The appearance of a comet was the birth or death of king. This coincides with the birth of Jesus, as it was with the death of Julius Caesar, depicted on this coin of his nephew Augustus confirming to the people that Julius Caesar was divine.
There is speculation that astrology of some form appeared in the Sumerian period in the 3rd millennium BC, since there are isolated references to ancient celestial omens dated to this period as well. Recent discoveries of Hammurabi Law Code revealed it to be copied in part from Sumerian law. The Legal Code of Ur-Nammu (ca. 2100BC) is the oldest known, written law code that predates Hammurabi’s law code by about 300 years. Martin Schøyen, a Norwegian collector of manuscripts, compiling over 13,000 documents, provided translation for this legal code.
The history of scholarly celestial divination is therefore attributed to begin with late Old Babylonian texts (c. 1800 BC), continuing through the Middle Babylonian and Middle Assyrian periods (c. 1200 BC). This was a major research project that provided the roots in calendrical systems used to predict seasonal shifts and to interpret celestial cycles as signs of divine communications.
Copernicus Nicolaus
Up until the 17th century that astrology was considered a scholarly tradition, which drove the development of astronomy. It was commonly accepted in political and cultural circles and was incorporated into alchemy, meteorology, and medicine. By the end of the 17th century, the scientific concept in astronomy of heliocentrism championed by Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), irrevocably undermined the theoretical basis of astrology causing it to fall from grace as a valid academic study. Still, it was the greatest effort made to correlate everything organized by society.
Consequently, if such events line up with our Economic Confidence Model I would not be surprised given the fact that these events are cyclical based, as well as the amount of human effort put forward to catalog and correlate such events. Whether these events can be used to specifically determine if a market will rise or fall is for someone in that field to postulate. That was not an input into the model and if such events line up with the ECM it is most likely simply in part due to the observations that correlate on a cyclical perspective. That may be a form of ancient confirmation of a major turning point, but it is not the source from which the model picks such turning points. We track the footsteps of man, not the heavens in that respect.

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