Monday, May 25, 2015

Guest Column by Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky Holds the New York Times to Account
Paul Craig Roberts
I can remember when the New York Times was only partly a CIA asset using its ink in support of Washington’s lies. The other part of the paper was the upper class paternalistic liberalism of that time. The New York Times helped to destroy America.
Washington has taken the place of America and now the Times serves full time to protect Washington. All the troubles in the world originate independently of Washington, which is always trying to do good for everybody and to maintain stability for the One Percent.
Stability trickles down. If the One Percent couldn’t afford their $750,000 Franck Muller wrist watches and their $700,000 Mont Blanc jewel-encrusted pens, their $50,000,000 yachts, and $42,000 Louis Vitton handbags carried by $100,000 bodyguards, the rest of us would be down and out. I mean, really, what would be our fate if hedge fund managers didn’t collect their $575,000,000 bonuses each year and the Federal Reserve didn’t print trillions of dollars with which to buy the bad assets of the deregulated banks too-big-to-fail”? There would be nothing to trickle down to those minimum wage part-time Walmart jobs. If the rich weren’t ripping us off, we would be even worse off!
That’s the way the New York Times and its chief fool, Thomas Friedman, reason.
Here is Noam Chomsky explaining how the Times covers up Washington’s crimes with platitudes:
The “Paper of Record” Is Pure Propaganda
Noam Chomsky

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