Sunday, February 24, 2013

"I'm A Monster." - ''I Can't Forgive Myself''


...this article talks around the basic issues as we all seem to be doing nowadays. 
Humans are not made to kill other humans without having the negative feelings that are produced when we see the life leave another human body either through accident or being killed at the hand of another human, or even an animal. 
These young people who have, for many reasons, chosen to enlist in the military at an age when their life experience and value systems are not yet formed are manipulated by those who are in the positions of power and so-called leadership in our culture to do the 'dirty work' that is now the trademark of our culture...the preemptive attack and invasion of other cultures and states. 
In the act of doing that these young people are put into positions of such danger that they are almost forced to perpetrate 'monstrous acts' on other human beings which, in less threatening situations, they might hesitate to do. 
Many horrendous acts are perpetrated merely out of the survival instinct, but many others are done as an expression of the brutality that so many young men are being seen to display with great pleasure. 
The guilt and remorse that Kudo confesses to feeling is a normal feeling that any human would feel seeing another human being being blown into pieces of flesh and bone and a pink vapor of blood and tissue as a high powered missile destroys their body. No one is the same after seeing that and there is little justification for allowing oneself to have become a part of any organization that would willingly perpetrate that behavior on other peoples, especially on the basis of lies that have been all too obvious for far too long. Only the supremely naive and stupid among us could still believe anything the U.S. government has used as a justification for its actions, both internationally and domestically, for the last two decades that is rational, moral, legal, or in any way justifiable. Our leaders should have been tried as war criminals long ago, but they have gamed the system with money and power over those in the system that should have spoken up long ago and called for them to be prosecuted for their crimes. 
The sad part is that Kudo and those others who are suffering from what they have done or allowed to be done in front of them without doing anything to stop it, is that they HAVE allowed themselves to become 'monsters'. 
There is no undoing that. What is done is done. You can't un-kill the dead, 
So, what they have to do is make amends through their present actions to repair whatever damage they can by whatever means they have at their disposal. And that may be very hard to do as so many veterans of these recent invasions are returning to a dying economy (also perpetrated by our recent leaders) and are once again in survival mode with little if any support from the services they donated their lives and minds to. 
This is how a society dies. 
Citizens give up their responsibility to think for themselves and talk back to power when they know it is detracting from their right to have a healthy productive life. 
We have become a culture of self-serving, self-centered individuals who gain what we have by taking from others. We create very little that is life serving, but produce death and destruction and insulate ourselves from it by watching idiotic TV programming and sports circuses provided by our leaders to distract us from what is happening to us more rapidly with each passing day. 
I see the day coming very soon when we will each have to make the decision to fight back at the cost of our very lives, or choose to end our own life at our own hand because we have lost the means to survive in the manner we have all become accustomed to having. 
It should be an easy choice...but it won't be.

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