Friday, August 17, 2012

THE DOLLAR VIGILANTE: Why Do Fascists Fight Communists? They’re Two Ugly Semi-Identical Twin Brothers

Once a nation is this far down the path to ruin there is no stopping it. It seems to be nature’s way. Don’t think for a minute that there is anything you and all your liberty-loving compatriots can do to break this momentum. You are a miniscule minority and have the force of hundreds of millions of your fellow citizens against you, half-crying for totalitarian fascism and the other half for totalitarian socialism or communism. Their minds, addled all their lives by state propaganda, are beyond saving. 
If you’re going to stay in the US, limit your contact with them in order to keep your sanity. If you can get the hell away from them now, we highly recommend you do so.

National Geographic Apocalypse 

The Rise of Hitler 1of 2 Becoming Hitler

National Geographic Apocalypse The Rise of 

Hitler 2of2 The Fuehrer

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