Saturday, March 4, 2017

Anna Von Reitz Thursday, March 2, 2017

After having spent considerable time talking to members of the "U.S. Congress" I am convinced that most of them (1) have no idea how the government of the United States is supposed to work or fit within the framework of the American Government as a whole, (2) have no clear knowledge of how the government bookkeeping and accounting system is supposed to work, (3) and aside from knowing how to "appropriate" money for every unauthorized and questionable purpose in the western world, have no idea where the so-called money comes from, how it created, or anything else about it. 

A more brainless, irresponsible, unfocused, unaccountable, indecisive, self-absorbed, egotistical, crooked, and abominable assemblage of human flotsam than the "U.S. Congress" has seldom been collected on the face of the Earth.  One can only assume that Washington, District of Columbia, is the drain-hole of the world, and that the dregs of society have been dressed up in $2500 suits and trotted out as a joke.

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