Thursday, January 28, 2016


For many years, but much more so in the last 7, conservatives have been feeding their ill-informed and propaganda-fed base a steady diet of anti-government rhetoric. This has led to calls for presidential assassination, military coup, armed revolt, 2nd Amendment remedies, and secession, calling for unconstitutional acts to "restore the Constitution," all because they don't like how an election turns out or disagree with a court decision. And they think themselves patriots. They aren't patriots. They are at best seditionists and at worst outright traitors to the Republic and the Constitution.
By fomenting fear and hatred in their ill-informed and propaganda-fed base, it is conservative pundits and the GOP establishment that are responsible for creating Trump, or I should say, the deluded base that supports Trump. They created a monster and now it is loose and is terrorizing the village. Perhaps they should take some responsibility for what you have done. But they won't and even if they did, the base would just label them as "RINO's."
It is so sad and disgusting that the hateful ideology which the Greatest Generation fought against and sacrificed so much to defeat would come to be adopted by their ill-informed and propaganda-fed children. The conservatives have taken a very dangerous turn towards the far right andhave embraced fascism.
-- Just like all fascists throughout history, they like to label everyone else "a commie."
-- Just like all fascists, they purge those deemed not "pure" enough (RINOs) and replace them with ever more radical extremists.
-- Just like all fascists, they believe that only their ideology should be implemented, regardless of how many non-conservatives the American people elect into office.
-- Just like all fascists, they claim that it is only their party that loves the nation and all others are trying to destroy it.
-- Just like all fascists, they blame some minority group or other for the nation's ills and want to "round them up for relocation."
-- Just like all fascists, they claim that the rights of some need to be suspended in the name of security,
-- Just like all fascists, they rely on a fear based agenda, nicely wrapped in platitudes, bumper sticker slogans and tired talking points that their ill-informed and propaganda-fed base eats up and regurgitates whole.
-- Just like all fascists, the more deranged the demagogue. the more they think he is leadership material.
These right-wing extremists like to talk about "freedom," "patriotism," and their "love of the Constitution," but what leads down the path they have chosen is far from those ideals. Upon closer inspection, it is clear that the conservative vision for America is that of a theocratic, fascist, confederate, science-denying, polluted, unregulated, robber baron dystopia. These are not the principles this nation was founded on.

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