Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Vocabulary of War Criminals

In the land of American exceptionalism, bipartisan political leaders make “mistakes” in foreign policy; they do not commit war crimes. The invasion of Iraq offers a much needed case study; and the brother of the president who launched the invasion sets the stage.

Let’s “imagine what the world would look like today” if George W. Bush had not been president of the United States. There would probably be far more than a million Iraqi mothers and fathers and their children alive today—rather than many “piled into mass graves.” There would not be 1 to 2 million Iraqi widows, nor 5 million orphans. Nor the destruction of Iraq’s infrastructure and diminishing of the Iraqi people’s quality of life. Nor the terrible sectarian violence between Sunnis and Shiites. Nor the birth of the Islamic State, or Isis, which, today, is seeking to match America’s brutality with its own revengeful pursuit of territory.

If George W. Bush had not become president, some 4,500 American military persons would still be alive, with hundreds of thousands more whole, rather than wounded– many struggling to find adequate treatment in a broken VA health care system. Without Bush in power, there might have been a bipartisan political commitment to invest our country’s resources and know-how in everyone’s pursuit of happiness here– rather than sacrificing lives and resources in the death-dealing criminal pursuit of Iraq’s huge oil reserves. There would be love and laughter filling far more American homes today, rather than death and grieving and injury and festering neglect. Without Bush ruling, the American people might have enjoyed real personal and national security—including far more whole persons, rather than wounded warriors.

Decrepit US Resorts to the Viagra of Militarism

The behaviour of the United States is the archetypal response of a tyrant whose days are numbered. Or an empire that is crumbling before its very eyes. In denial of demise, it wields a still formidable military power in a bid to compensate for impotence in all other spheres: culturally, morally, economically, politically, the once virile giant is but a shell of its former self.

What Will Happen If the Patriot Act Expires?

The Patriot Act isn’t needed to keep us safe.  But politicians and natsec officials will go to tremendous lengths to terrify their people … to justify programs that are just a naked power grab.

As Deadline Bears Down, Senate Moves Toward Limiting N.S.A. Bulk Data Collection

BREAKING NEWSSunday, May 31, 2015 7:29 PM EDT
As Deadline Bears Down, Senate Moves Toward Limiting N.S.A. Bulk Data Collection
The Senate has voted to debate a bill curtailing surveillance, but the law that authorized that program is set to expire at midnight in the face of continuing opposition from Senator Rand Paul.
The 77-to-17 vote on the bill was a remarkable turnabout, grudgingly approved by the majority leader, Senator Mitch McConnell, just a week after the Senate narrowly turned the bill away at his behest. The bill passed the House earlier this month.


Friday, May 29, 2015


EU Looking at Consolidating All Member Debt – Is It Too Late?

The European Union (EU) is now looking at consolidating all member debt, which is what they should have done from the start. The question remains – Is it too late now? Since they have already conditioned the public to accept debt defaults and write-offs, why not just consolidate everything? This is their hope to keep the EU together.
The market seems saturated with government debt and capital has begun to shift from the long-term to the short-term. This would perhaps have a positive effect for Greece, but it may set off a selling panic for Germany. The play there was the assumption that the euro would fail, and if so, then investing in bunds would result in getting Deutsche marks. If the debt is consolidated, sell the bunds.

The War on Cash Is Going Completely Nuts in Europe

Austrian-Central Bank
Austria is where the Sovereign Debt Crisis began with a bank failure in 1931. Today, Austria continues to have a raging controversy over the abolition of bank secrecy. Just look at how far they are going against the citizens because of bank mismanagement, once again, and it is scaring the hell out of a lot of people behind the curtain. The government is monitoring taxpayers in a manner that will lead to the elimination of all private rights in the future. They are now introducing new laws, which forces all taxpayers to submit their fingerprints, as well as their IP e-mail addresses, to the tax office so that the government can track every piece of loose change.
Austria is obviously moving to the extreme by extending their powers of intervention to financial authorities, demonstrating that the world these people are creating is totally authoritarian. Taxes are a barbaric relic of the past and are no longer necessary since money is not some tangible commodity – money is the total productive capacity of the people. These people in government spend recklessly and never reform, while corruption engulfs all governments around the world. We no longer need taxes at the federal level when money is intangible to begin with. The days of commodity-based money are gone. Government needed taxes in the past to retrieve some portion of the commodity to spend again. Today, money is electronic; there is no need to impose taxes and track everyone when they are capable of creating money at will anyway. The key is to cap the amount of money that can be created annually to pay for government, and leave the people free to expand their own economy. This is insane and we are losing all our rights because these people do not even understand what money is anymore.

Swiss Agree to End Bank Secrecy Betraying Their Own Country

Switzerland has caved in entirely and has sealed its own demise. Everything that made Switzerland the place to be, from religion to economic freedom, is becoming lost thanks to bureaucrats. Switzerland began as a tax revolt; William Tell would be rolling over in his grave if he knew what this country has just done. Swiss bank secrecy began as a way to protect Germans after Hitler made it illegal for the German people to have any money outside of Germany, just as the USA is doing with FATCA indirectly.Not even Hitler violated the sovereignty of Switzerland where those in government today are far more ruthless and threaten other nations with ultimatums. This is all about their greed for taxes.
The European Union and Switzerland have now signed a major accord that will end banking secrecy for EU residents, preventing them from hiding undeclared income in Swiss banks. All the Swiss will be left with is chocolate and watches. They fail to grasp that what made the country great was its respect for freedom against Hitler. The Swiss bureaucrats are have committed treason against their own people. We now have the same trend emerging as Hitler declared making it illegal for Germans to have their money outside the country for the very same reasons – taxes and greed. Switzerland has caved in this time betraying everything that the country once stood for. There is no no reason for anyone to bother having an account in Switzerland and these bureaucrats cannot figure that is the net effect. The Swiss will not show the movie theFORECASTER like the United States because it is derogatory against the banks. I think what they have just done finishes Swiss banking as anything special far more than any movie would have caused.
Perhaps Singapore is the last haven still standing. We no longer need taxation at the federal level for money is no longer a commodity based upon barter. Our politicians around the world remain ignorant of how the economy has evolved and as a consequence they are destroying the global economy right before our eyes. Of course the socialist will cheer – go get the rich. They are too stupid to comprehend that this is wiping out both theVELOCITY of money resulting in hoarding and as money moves off the grid and International Capital Flows that have build the global economy post-World War II.
The global economy is being destroyed by lawyers acting as politicians. All they know how to do is write laws. They have ZEROexperience with understanding the economy, tax, or even what currency is these days. This is all our fault. We have failed as a society to require people with experience to run government. We vote for people simply because they are of a race like Obama, gender like Hillary, or they smile nice. This is like going to a tax driver to ask if he is free on Friday to operate on your brain. We have no qualifications for the most important job of all, running the economy. Screw that up and you get war.

Chris Hedges: A New Age Of Revolt And Rebellion The Implosion of Global Capitalism


How to Survive a Banking Crisis

Many in Spain are starting to figure out that the only way to survive is to get your money out of the bank. Accounts can just be frozen as they did to the Russians living in Spain, demanding they prove the source of their funds. Banco Madrid has had its funds frozen while the government tries to figure out if it will rescue the bank or not. Meanwhile, people who saved their money cannot get access to it. People are starting to wise up here and are looking at taking their money out of the banks and placing it in alternatives, such as real estate and stocks, or investments outside of the country.
Europe has routinely cancelled currencies in the past, and they will use that option again if they suddenly decide to move to electronic, perhaps in October. I highly recommend that the cash you hoard notbe euros – use U.S. dollars instead. The U.S. has never cancelled its currency, and it may be much harder for the U.S. to cancel currency overnight given the huge amount of U.S. dollars that circulate around the world.
So try to look at alternatives here. If you use U.S. shares, you may want to take possession of the share certificates. The blue chips will be the most liquid, but naturally other aspects of the market may start to outperform the blue chips. You can hoard U.S. dollars and coins, but you cannot leave them in a bank’s safety deposit box.

The Schema Frequency

There are actually three dimensions to the Economic Confidence Model and no, I have never published the third for security reasons. This is the dimension that identifies the sector coming into focus. The wave function of the ECM is far more than just two dimensions, for it is this third dimension that introduces complexity and tests the mind of reason. Comprehending that there is complexity is the first step. How to unravel the complexity takes an ability to see multiple dimensions in your mind, looking through them like a transparent veil to make out the image on the other side.
Those who cannot grasp that there is a business cycle seem to lack the understanding of multiple disciplines. Cyclical wave patterns occur throughout nature, which includes ocean waves, sound waves, and light waves just to start. This is how energy moves, for this is the lifeblood of everything since energy can neither be created nor destroyed.
Next, we must understand the wave function. Altering the wavelength produces a different effect in nature, which also applies to human society embedded within this third dimension. Consequently, panic cycles have different frequencies from benchmark cycles and then we have positive and destructive inference within a wave formation that can alter the amplitude creating a Phase Transition or cancelling everything out to produce the absence of an event.
Those who refuse to acknowledge that there are definitive wave motions within human society which materialize as our business cycle representing human interaction, are generally ignorant of the work in physics that applies to everything. They cannot understand wave motion and thus are unable to see complexity. They simply declare that the business cycle is not inevitable and assume they have the power to alter the world.
To understand cycles, we need to understand the basic formation of a sine wave or sinusoid, which is a mathematical curve that describes a smooth repetitive oscillation – a cycle. It is named after the function sine. The wave occurs often in pure and applied mathematics, as well as physics, engineering, signal processing, and many other fields including economics. Its most basic form as a function of time (t):
  • A = the amplitude, is the peak deviation of the function from zero.
  • f = the ordinary frequency, is the number of oscillations (cycles) that occur each second of time.
  • ω= 2Ï€f, the angular frequency, is the rate of change of the function argument in units of radians per second
  • =the phase, specifies (in radians) where in its cycle the oscillation is at t = 0
(When  is non-zero, the entire waveform appears to be shifted in time by the amount /ω seconds. A negative value represents a delay, and a positive value represents an advance.)
The sine wave is tremendously important in physics for it retains its wave shape when added to another sine wave of the same frequency and arbitrary phase and magnitude. This is where the complexity arrives, for each instrument possesses its own unique frequency. In this respect, the Economic Confidence Model is a composite of all frequencies at the global level, making it incredibly important internationally. The sine wave is the only periodic waveform that has this property to retain its wave shape. This property leads to its importance in Fourier analysis and makes it acoustically unique as well.
Yet, there is such complexity in mapping the world economy it bends one’s perspective of the world and compels you to open your eyes to see the whole rather than the prejudice of the domestic view. Yes we have the fixed transverse appearance of the Economic Confidence Model that represents the global business cycle. Then we have the oscillations and correlations of the individual nations and individual components (markets/economics) .
The oscillation of an undamped spring-mass system around the equilibrium is a sine wave. However, at the same time we have a longitudinal wave with interesting complex patterns. So we have many variations of cyclical formations combining to produce a new view of the world around us. It is time to open out mind and our eyes to a new age of understanding. Instead of the Atomic Age, we need to embark on the Cyclical Age as the next frontier of exploration.

Separatist Movement in Spain

The formation of Spain dates back to the marriage of the Catholic Monarchs Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon (Catalan). They were both from the House of Trastámara and were second cousins, being both descended from John I of Castile. They married on October 19th, 1469 (1469.8), in the city of Valladolid. It was this marriage that united both kingdoms under the same crown and thus creating the modern state of Spain.
Philip-V SpainToday, there has been a rise in separatist movement in Spain to redivide the nation that was once formed by this marriage for political power. The Catalan Independence Movement or the Catalan Separatist Movement is a political movement, derived from Catalan nationalism, which supports the independence of Catalonia or the Catalan countries from Spain and France. This region was a coastal territory of the Crown of Aragon, However, the Crown of Aragon lost distinctive rules, institutions and laws at the end of the War of Spanish Succession in 1714, when Philip V (1683 – 1746) of Spain issued the Nueva Planta decrees, a centralized Spanish rule by sheer political force. Catalan lost its identity from a legal perspective at that moment.
There is little doubt that the roots of independence in Catalonia runs deep for there is not merely a different culture, but also a different language which separates the people from the rest of Spain.  The first serious struggle for Catalan independence began to materialize after 19 intervals of the 8.6 year cycles dating back to 1640, there was the first unsuccessful Catalan Republic following the Reaper’s War. During the subsequent War of the Spanish Succession (1701–1714) the Catalans had hoped to salvage their institutions of home rule, despite the centralizing Bourbon pretender to the throne, rather than achieving outright independence.
In 1898, Spain lost its’ last major overseas colonies (Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines) in the Spanish–American War. This event actually began a rapid collapse of the economy and confidence evaporated. This was generally perceived as a disaster in Spain, undermining the credibility of both the government and its associated ideologies and almost leading to a military coup d’état led by Camilo Polavieja. It was the Spanish-American War that began the economic decline in Spain and from this event there began a rising tide of civil unrest.
The Spanish government attempted to reestablish its importance and sought to conquer Morocco (Melilla War) which failed. There was tremendous civil unrest caused great discontent at home which ended in a revolt in Barcelona, known as the Semana Tragica (July 25th – 2 August 2nd, 1909). This Catalonia revolt of the lower classes of Barcelona, backed by the anarchists, communists, and republicans, rose up against what they considered the unjust methods for recruiting soldiers. The government declared a state of war and sent the army to crush the revolt and the people in Barcelona, causing over a hundred deaths and the execution of Francisco Ferrer. The people tried to organize a national strike against the government, but this failed because the unions could only mobilize urban workers.
Miguel Primo-de-riveraEventually, the Spanish army was defeated by the natives of Morocco on July 22nd, 1921. The military discontent began to rise following this defeat. There was also a rising fear of a proletarian revolution, and a rising nationalist movement creating great civil unrest. Then on September 13th, 1923, Miguel Primo de Rivera (ruled 1923-1930), Captain General of Catalonia, orchestrated a coup d’état, after issuing a manifesto blaming the problems of Spain on the parliamentary system. He deeply believed that it was the politicians who had ruined Spain and that governing without them he could restore the nation.
Alfonso XIII backed the General and named him Prime Minister. Primo de Rivera and then proceeded to suspend the Constitution and assume absolute powers as a dictator abolishing all other political parties. During this time, he greatly increased government spending on business and public services, which caused his government to go bankrupt. He lost the support of the military and faced serious health problems. Opposition to his regime was so great that Alfonso XIII stopped supporting him and forced him to resign in January 1930
In 1928 exiled Catalans in Cuba from the coup d’état of 1923, drafted a Provisional Constitution of the Catalan Republic. It would come to a head with the 1931 Sovereign Debt Crisis. It was at this time when we begin to see the formation of the first political parties to define themselves as pro-independence for Catalonia. Then it was during the First World War when Catalan Volunteers bore the pro-independence flag when they fought on the Allies’ side. The same ensign headed a text addressed to president Wilson late in 1918, calling upon him to review the Treaty of Utrecht. They wanted the United States to support the repeal of the treaty that allowed Spain to abolish Catalonia’s home rule inside a centralized unitary State.
Spain 2nd Republic 25c 1934
The beginnings of separatism can be traced back to 1931 and theSovereign Debt Crisis that moved a coalition of Catalan nationalist parties to form and was the most voted force in Catalonia in the Spanish municipal elections that triggered the proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic. With the fall of the monarchy in 1931, by 1932 Catalonia was granted a statute of autonomy and home rule institutions, which lasted until the Spanish Civil Warwhich began in July 1936 and officially ended with Franco’s victory in April 1939 and his subsequent dictatorship.
Francisco_FrancoThe Spanish Civil War, was a civil war fought from 1936 to 1939 between the Republicans, who were loyal to the democratic Spanish Republic, and the Nationalists, a rebel group led by General Francisco Franco (1892 – 1975). The Nationalists won, and Franco ruled Spain for the next 36 years, from 1939 until his death in 1975.
The Franco dictatorship was based its public ideology on Spanish Nationalism and Catholicism, abolished home rule and discouraged regional cultures. Following Franco’s death in 1975 and the Spanish transition to democracy, Catalan autonomy was restored in 1977.
Catalan Nationalists have governed the region most of the time since then, and those calling for full independence have had their parliamentary group since 1980. Nevertheless, there has been a significant shift since the 2011.45 turn in the Economic Confidence Model. Open demonstrations began on September 11, 2012 and September 11, 2013 there were massive demonstrations with more than 1 million participants calling for independence for Catalonia.
Catalonia is committed to a referendum on independence, and 55% of it is composed of openly separatist parties. The Estelada flag, in its blue and red versions, has become its main symbol.

Spain itself has followed the Economic Confidence Model rather nicely. The whole independence movement was set off by the Sovereign Debt Crisis of 1931. The discontent rose sharply and this ultimately led to the Spanish Civil War starting in 1936.
The the beginning of the economic problem in late 1929 followed by the Sovereign Debt Crisis in 1931, the movement toward civil unrest and the independent movement of Catalonia followed the 8.6 year frequency as well. This 51.6 year wave reached its peak in 1977 and that is when we find following Franco’s death in 1975, that there was not just a Spanish transition toward democracy, but it was precisely on time for Catalan autonomy was then restored in 1977.
We can see that the subsequent 8.6 year waves are:
 1985.8, 1994.4, 2003, 2011.6, 2020.2, 2028.8 and 2037.4
It was from the 2011 turning point that there was a rising tide of independence movement with Catalonia to separate from Spain. One can easily see the cultural difference between Barcelona and Madrid. Barcelona is perhaps the cleanest city in Europe with wide streets and a vibrant culture that is distinctly different. It appears that we should expect the rising separatist movement to continue with the turn in the ECM 2015.75 for this will be 4.3 years from 2011.6 moving into a high for 2020.