Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Live from Athens

Athens-ROman Temple
I am in Athens for a live broadcast of “The Forecaster” on September 29. People around the world in 13 different countries will be able to see this event. Athens is the appropriate place to hold this broadcast since it is where real democracy was born; this is also where the Sovereign Debt Crisis first made its appearance. We have nothing to do with the sale of tickets nor do we receive any portion of the revenue from this event.

The ECM Turning Point — 2015.75 — the Start of a Trend Is Now

In Barcelona, many people asked if I thought the pro-independence parties in Spain’s Catalonia region would actually win. I told them it was inevitable as this is the global trend in motion. The vote for Catalonia is in and the separatists have won an absolute majority in regional elections. The separatist alliance and a smaller party won 72 seats in the 135-seat regional parliament. They proclaim that this victory will allow them to declare independence from Spain within 18 months.
The Spanish central government in Madrid has pledged to block any unilateral independence moves in court. Why? Politicians are no different from kings, dictators, or emperors. This is not about what the people want; it is all about maintaining power.
This vote is the BEGINNING of the separatist movement around the world. Centralized government is dying. Society has always swung back and forth between centralized government and regional government. Once a centralized government grabs power it always expands until it consumes all power.
This is why I say that TAXES ARE NO LONGER NECESSARY. Money is no longer a commodity and the value of any currency depends entirely upon faith. Even gold has no value unless you believe someone else will accept it from you at some mutually agreed value. Money cannot be a store of value because it requires ending the business cycle and life itself.
Why do we pay federal taxes? What is it really providing for the people? Taxes are necessary locally where governments cannot create money. The money created by government is not tied to anything tangible besides the collective capacity of the nation (GDP). Then, there is no need to tax nor borrow constantly with no intention of paying anything back. Interest rates are near zero and governments need rates at virtually zero or the cost of government will explode. As always, it is government against the people.
Retirees cannot live off of their savings and pensions are going broke all because government stupidly assumes it can raise or lower interest rates to steer the economy when they themselves are the biggest debtor upon which their own tools have no influence on fiscal responsibility. We live in a world that has totally gone mad and nobody will sit down to look at how this structure is functioning.
The separatist movement is the breaking up of federal governments and the return of power back to regional governments. This movement is fueled by taxes, the diminishing trend in employment, and a lower standard of living.
The Catalonia vote comes right on target with the Economic Confidence Model. This turning point is PROFOUND, for it is not the crash in stock markets, commodities, or the private sector. This is the BEGINNING of the trend, which will see the fall of governments and the rise in demands for political change EVERYWHERE.
November 21, 2018 will be the major target moving forward for political chaos. On the last two important wave formations — 1998.55 and 2007.15 — this pi turning point produced, to the day, the 9/11 attack and the day Greece asked for IMF help which started the sovereign debt crisis. So 2015.75 is the BEGINNING of a new trend that will be very profound for our political future.
ECM Greece

Ruling the World

Let’s assume a minute that all countries around the World (all Central Banks together) sit with you and say:
Mr Martin, fine, you are absolutely right in your forecasts and now we are listening to you.
What should we do to solve all our problems like debts, socialism, trades, etc and have a prosperous growth in the World?
Now my question Sir:
Is it possible to find a way to resolve those problems (with you)  or are we stack in an inevitable cycle in the World, which last already for centuries and will continue for ever?
ANSWER: What you suggest would be reasonable. However, he who has the power rules the world. The solution is to listen to the free markets, which are driven by humanity and our actions. To create a real solution (until we corrupt everything again) necessitates government admitting they cannot control the world; this would mean they must relinquish power. I personally do not see that ever happening for the same reasons why Marxism failed. He took all the wealth from whom he considered greedy individuals and handed it greedy politicians. Humanity is humanity; it cannot be altered. There will always be drug addiction, prostitution, corruption, and politicians, just as there will always be a cycle.
You can bet all governments read us, just as the NSA grabs every email, phone call, and SMS. They even saw the French TV interview that played “The Forecaster”, and then questioned Mr. Sapin, the Head of Finance in France. So there is no question that they are all aware of our model. Even Margaret Thatcher spoke at our conference, which was in itself an endorsement of our models. The central bank of China admitted that they too are using capital flow models, which we invented.
Nevertheless, what you are suggesting is that those in power actually care about society rather than themselves. I do not believe they are ready for reform. There has to be blood flowing in the streets before we reach that end.
I am here in Athens where people are fed up with politicians. However, the pain has not yet reached a sufficient level to lead to real political change just yet. Alexis Tsipras won in Greece, but the Greek people did not vote for him under the assumption that he would do what he said this time. They voted for him because every other politicians is seen as corrupt and has been involved in one scandal or another. He won for the same reason Donald Trump rose sharply; Tsipras was not the established politician.
If all governments were to actually listen and put the people before their personal greed and power, yes, we would resolve the debt crisis that will tear down society because this time it is different. When the economy crashes, such as during the Great Depression, there is no pension system guaranteed by the government. As a result, government can stand up and claim that they will get the rich bastards who caused it. Today, government has gone to extremes and the people have planned their futures upon government promises. So this time, the outrage will be much greater because everyone is affected, not just select groups.
The object of this exercise is to survive individually. Government will crash and burn; it is hopeless to expect that these people will ever do anything to help society. It is always all about them. This is just a fact of history and we should not expect anything magnanimous from them. Politicians will not lay down power willingly. Instead, they cling to their only dream of ruling the world.

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