Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Paris Attack = Next Excuse to Ban Encryption Altogether

David Cameron. PM of Britain, wants to block WhatsApp and Snapchat if he wins the next election, as part of his plans for new surveillance. Britain will lead the charge to outlaw encryption altogether when Britain has been walking hand-in-hand with the NSA. They are using this latest event precisely as they used 911 to strip us of all rights. The rumblings I am getting from behind the curtain is they are looking to use this as a new push to gather all taxes they stupidly think will keep them operating. They are BRAIN-DEAD and cannot see that what they are doing is destroying everything.

Manipulating Trends we do not even Understand as a Society

Hello Martin
We now have the dilemma of what is real value and what is currency depreciation/appreciation.
Take the real estate market in Toronto. The market has been going up every year since 1995. I know because my home has gone up every year except that blip in 2008. Now my question to you is what is the real value of an asset when you have currency depreciation and inflows of capital from abroad.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge with everyone.
ANSWER: People tend to just lump everything into one category. Yet there are distinctive forms of inflation outside of the hyperinflation that is the collapse in confidence in government. I have desperately tried to explain that the very concept of hyperinflation as touted by so many pretend analysts is just wrong. This type of inflation has NEVER taken place within a core economy, which collapses from deflation. As taxes rose in Rome, people just walked away from their property and left the city. The courts became corrupt as we have today and only rule in favor of the government. Once that happens, we lose all rights and that begins the economic decline for there is not true ownership. We have police using civil asset forfeiture to fund their own budgets today precisely as the Roman Army began sacking their own cities to get paid. Even Japan kept devaluing the last currency with each new Emperor to the point that the people no longer trusted Japanese coins and world not accept them. The Japanese used commodities and Chinese coins for 600 years. That is deflation – not hyperinflation.
3FACESn of Inflation
Outside of the hyperinflation, there are three main types of inflation created by different sources – ASSET  - DEMAND - CURRENCY. The ASSET inflation is the general rise in prices due to the progression of inflation. Hence, wages are higher today than in 1980 as are cars to real estate. This is the steady, yet uneven rise in private assets with the decline in the purchasing power of a currency that many claim will lead to hyperinflation without any authoritative documentation.
Then there is DEMAND inflation. This is isolated within a sector such as real estate, stocks, commodities as a overall group. This will also include a particular item such as say oranges because a storm wipes out the supply.
It is this final category CURRENCY inflation that seems to confuse people the most. This is created by the decline in the foreign exchange value of a currency on world markets. The rise in the dollar during the Great Depression led to protectionism because government wrongly believed that adding tariffs would equalize the import price. When a currency drops in international value, then the cost to import goods rises. This creates the CURRENCY INFLATION and when the currency rises as did the dollar during the Great Depression this producesCURRENCY DEFLATION, which we will see moving forward.
Understanding the real nature of inflation and money is critical for most of the time we end up in serious trouble trying to manipulate the trends we do not even understand as a society.

We All Need Each Other – Impossibility of Manipulating the Invisible Hand

To those asking questions regarding our services, we hope to have the first access up by the end of the month. Others who have asked will the little guy be allowed to participate in the IPO? We will most likely have a pre-IPO for clients before it goes to the public. We are more interested in clients participating than hedge funds who then want to sneak on the board.

We will include major corporations for they are the victims of bankers seen as the fool who is easily separated from their money. We are interested in helping corporations survive the turmoil to preserve jobs and introduce more stability that the banks have unraveled with their transaction based model rather than relationship.
Essentially, the services will be both trader based and portfolio based (short- v long-term) supplemented with hedging v speculation. Each of these activities is concerned with providing analysis of capital flows on a global basis to identify the movement of capital between different asset classes and geographies on a global scale. We are not moving into any personal guided advice for individuals – that is not our intention. We are looking to provide a factual analysis as a tool to facilitate your decision process be it the individual, large corporations, international banks, sovereign wealth funds and Central Banks.
Restructuring portfolios regarding asset classes both domestic and globally are part of the institutional serves. Restructuring one’s operation to flow with capital reduces risk and provides a much more stable operation moving forward. Her we can assist in constructing natural hedging to reduce the need to engage in financial products and derivatives.
We are not eng3-tradingaging in selling investment products and the analysis will be conducted by Socrates to prevent any human bias or corruption infected by personal opinion driven by money or politics. Consequently, we will not provide “politically correct” forecasting for one reason or another. If something isBEARISH, we simply state so and likewise when it is BULLISH. This is not about supporting a particular political philosophy or group. This is about free markets that will always win at the end of the day because they are driven by human nature.
The advantage of the Socrates Platform will be a consistent model on everything in the world without human intervention. IT IS WHAT IT IS – NOTHING MORE. We are incorporating the trading model so you can look at where the computer is here and now – long or short.
AssetAllocation (2)
Asset Allocation Models are provided basis your home currency. Phase II will be allowing the computer to create the portfolio for you given your risk parameters. Since we DO NOT sell financial products, we are not TRANSACTION based.

The object of this venture is to create a system that is objective, consistent, and global to eliminate the biased personal opinions and the manipulations of putting out “politically correct” forecasting that agrees with whatever government agency is trying to prevent. Nobody can manipulate the world into doing anything and thus we do not subscribe to that model. Nevertheless, the major banks that put out analysis are by their nature “politically correct” and cannot forecast anything honestly without offending government. Kondratieff was to provide the forecast for the new Russian Communists. When his work warned that there was a cycle it they could not defeat, he was thrown in prison and then executed. Communism collapsed for that very reason and no amount of being “politically correct” could prevent that outcome. Yet today, banks are not allowed to say the Euro will fail or that even Greece will exit the EU. Brussels is all about trying to maintain the Euro for their own power.
InvisibleHand-DanielleThe best we can do is understand the global economy and for that we ALL NEED EACH OTHER to survive. Consequently, the way to the future is to live with the business cycle rather than trying to manipulate the Invisible Hand, which has never worked even once long-term.
We are old-school and still function based upon the RELATIONSHIP model not the modern concept of TRANSACTION based. The banks only sell product on transaction based deals and then cannot provide independent analysis that is free of the problem of censorship. Our analysis if not “politically correct” and as such will remain as one of the ports of reason in a tempest toss sea of international capital flows.

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